What Helps Against Nausea? The Best Tips


Oh how bad! The stomach is a thick boulders and in mind pops the question to – I must give myself the same? –  Nausea is one of the nastiest diseases that can make one – because one feels in a heap. And you only want to know: What helps to relieve nausea?

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Nausea may have different causes. It can occur as a result of too much food or too much alcohol. In the case just only helps Wait until the stomach food or beverage has digested. Often nausea is a side effect of gastrointestinal disease or a food intolerance. However, infectious diseases, migraine or pregnancy can ensure that ours is bad. Who answer the question – What helps against nausea – searches, so it must first find out where the nausea comes.

Unfortunately, it does not stop with a sinking feeling in the stomach in most cases. Those who suffer from nausea, has usually also sweats and feels dizzy. Often – but not always – the vomiting center of the brain is activated and you have to pass. If the nausea caused by food, it goes one better then most. For all others, we have the answer to the question – What helps against nausea – on the following pages. Because there are a few home remedies that help in the rule to happiness. If you do not continue with it, there are special medications. You should also be best to lie down, relax and drink enough. The nausea has not improved after two or three days, a doctor should be consulted.


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Ginger is a wonder drug for gastrointestinal diseases. In the tuber specific pungent substances stuck (and shogaole) that suppress the nausea and promote the digestive function.

If you like, cut slices of the tuber and brew it as a tea. Drink as needed. Ginger, there are also dried or as drops.


In case of slight nausea and a very simple trick can help: Take a deep breath, best in the fresh air. This would especially help if the nausea from too much food or alcohol comes.

Camomile tea

Chamomile or fennel tea are also among the home remedies that help with gastrointestinal problems – even with nausea. Just one, drink two cups in little sips. The tea should not be sweetened as possible and not be too hot.

Also peppermint tea can help – here but you should try carefully whether the pungent aroma not rather the opposite effect and increases the nausea.

Something Light to Eat

Listen to the nausea of too much alcohol here, a light meal can drive them. Turns at the thought of not eating stomach, you should try a serving of oatmeal, a banana or a biscuit in small bites. Often that soothes the stomach.


What Helps Against Nausea? The Best Tips
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What Helps Against Nausea? The Best Tips
Oh how bad! The stomach is a thick boulders and in mind pops the question to - I must give myself the same? - Nausea is one of the nastiest diseases that can make one - because one feels in a heap. And you only want to know: What helps to relieve nausea?
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