Monthly Archives: June 2019


Here are some recipes about beauty secrets.

The mask for pocket and purpleness under the eyes:

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One slice of pineapple

One dessert spoon of almond oil

Grate one slice of pineapple. Mix pineapple and almond oil. Apply this mask under the eyes. Wait 15 minutes and wash it. You can use this mask in the morning and at night.

The other mask for under the eyes:

One kiwi

Four drops of avokado oil

Grate 1/4 of kiwi. Add avocado oil. Apply this mixture under your eyes. Wait 15 minutes. Apply this every day. After 5 days, you will feel the difference. You can apply in the morning and at night.

The lotion for nails: This lotion strengthens the nails.

One spoon of olive oil

Three drops of lemon oil

One teaspoon of jojoba oil

Mix all the oils. Apply this mixture on your nails. Also, you can apply this mixture on your hands. This will soften your hands.

The New Year Mask:

One spoon of yogurt

One teaspoon of honey

One teaspoon of orange zest

One spoon of orange juice

Mix all of them. Apply this mask on a clean face. Wait for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water. You can apply this mask twice a day as in the morning and at night.

The tonic and mask for the moles on the face:

This tonic is good for moles and the mask is good for renewing your face.

Tonic: 2 spoon of linseed oil

1 glass of water

Boil the linseed oil in water. Filter it. Put it in a jar. You can use it every day by applying on moles. You will feel the difference.

Mask: 1 spoon of daisy

1 spoon of lavender oil

Mix daisy and lavender oil. Apply this mask on your face. Wait 15 minutes and wash it with warm water. This mask will renew your face.

The cure for acne:

1 spoon of apple vinegar

1 spoonof mineral water

2 drop of lemon juice

A capsule of antibiotic

Mix vinegar and mineral water. Apply this on acne. Take antibiotic out of its capsule and put it in lemon juice. Apply this on acne. Wait for 5 minutes. Do this for five days.

Rose lotion:

1 rose

1 dessert spoon of sugar

1 dessert spoon of lemon juice

1 glass of water

Mix all of them. Wait one week. Filter it. You can apply this lotion on your face as a tonic.

Peeling for black spots:

1 teaspoon of clay

1 teaspoon of corn flour

1 teaspoon of hand cream

Mix all of them. Use this peeling especially on black spots.

Clay Mask:

2 spoon of clay

1 spoon of lemon juice

1 spoon of apple vinegar

1 tea spoon of avokado oil

Mix clay, lemon juice, apple vinegar. Then, add avocado oil. Apply this mask on clean face. Wait for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water. After this mask applies a moisturizing cream. This mask is very good for acne and for T-side on the face.

Renewing mask:

2 spoon of pomegranate

Half banana

1 dessert spoon of honey

1 dessert spoon of yogurt

Cut and pestle the banana with a fork. Add pomegranate, yogurt, and honey. Apply this mask on face and on hands. Wait for 20 minutes and wash with warm water.

Strawberry Mask:

4 strawberry

1 teaspoon of jojoba oil

Grade strawberries. Add jojoba oil. Mix them. Put this mixture in ice packs. Freeze it. Apply this ice cubes on your face, under your eyes, and on your hands. Do this for 10 minutes and then, wash it. This will arouse your face. This mask protects your skin from sunshine and also imputes edema.

The Mask for renewing cell:

2 spoon of graded apple

1 desssert spoon of Turkish coffee

Mix grated apple and Turkish coffee. Apply this mask on your face. Wit for 20 minutes and wash with warm water. This renews your cell. If you apply this mask under your eyes. This will cure pouches and purpleness under your eyes.

Hair Mask:

20 gram of turpentine oil

20 gram of onion oil

20 gram of almond oil

20 gram of basil oil

20 gram of olive oil

20 gram of nettle oil

Mix all of them apply on your hair. Wait 30-40 minutes. Wash your hair. Do this twice a week. You will prevent hair loss and your hair will be shine and strength.

Avocado Mask:

This mask renews your skin.

1 dessert spoon of almond oil

1 dessert spoon of sesame oil

1 dessert spoon of pectin

Grade avocado. Add almond oil and sesame oil. Add pectin. Apply it on your face. Wait 20 minutes. Wash with warm water. You can apply this twice a week.


Herbal oils are used in both sectors health end beauty. Here are some clues for you. You can use these herbal oils for different problems.

Bitter Almond Oil: This oil is used as cough reliever, diuretic, and vermifuge. It declines blood sugar. It also has characteristics of moisturizing. It is used for dry and chapped skins. It is good for stress and exhaustion. Usage: Put 3-5 drops into a glass of water and drink it. Also, you can use this oil as a massage oil.

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Sage Oil: Sage Oil is used against gripes in babies. It has also effects as a diuretic and anti perspiring. It is used for bronchitis, asthma, irregular period, hormone replacement therapy. It is also used for germicidal and curing wounds, rheumatism and toggle pains. Usage: Put 3-5 drops of oil in a cup of water and drink it one or two times a day. Also, you can use this oil as a massage oil.

Raspberry Oil: Rasberry oil is diuretic and makes you sweat. It gives resistance to the body. It is used for rheumatism and calcification of toggles. It declines fever. Usage: You use this oil by massaging to your body.

Trout Oil: It is used for rheumatism and backache. It is good for lumbar disc herniation and muscle pains. Also, it is good for the calcification of toggles. Usage: Massage to muscles, toggles calcified parts of your body.

Aloe Vera Oil: It is used to support digestion system. It is used for all type of stomach diseases, hemorrhoids, constipation, and all type of gut problems. It is also used for the treatment of burn. It has also an antioxidant function. Usage: Use this oil by massaging on your skin.

Pineapple Oil: It has the function of making people losing weight. It is rich from Vitamin B. Thus it moisturizes the skin and glosses the hair. It strengthens the immune system and helps to eliminate stress. Usage: It is used by massaging on your skin.

Aniseed Oil: It is stimulant for the nervous system. It is a guaiacol. It is also used for digestive. It is a diuretic. If you are coughing, this oil will soften the chest. It is a galactagogue. It is good for hepatitis and ascites. It is used for the treatment of cellulite. Usage: Add 1-2 drop on a cube of sugar or add 3-4 drop in a cup of water and drink it. You can drink three times a day.

Samphire Oil: This oil is good for bronchitis, asthma, coughing, hepatitis, itching, eczema. It is useful for lung and liver. Usage: Use this oil by massaging on your skin.

Juniper Oil: This oil is good for coronary failure, cold, and rheumatism. It is also used for injuries like jerk and strike. It is a painkiller and increases the ability of movement. It is useful for stroke, leg cramp, and gout. And also it is used for asthma and for incontinent children. Usage: Add 2-3 drop into a cup of water. Drink it once a day. Also, you can massage it on your skin.

Horsechestnut Oil: This oil is used for urinary tract stone. Also, it is good for wrinkles on skin and chaps. It is good for hemorrhoid, varicosis, toggle pain and rheumatism. It softens the chest. Usage: Massage this oil on your skin.

Avocado oil: It is used for skin care. It is good for a muscle relaxer. Also, it is good for cellulite. This oil is also used against calculus. Usage: Add 4 drops in a cup of water and drink twice a day. Also, you can massage it on your skin.

Quince Oil: This oil is used for chaps on hands, foot, and nipple. It is also good for wrinkles on face and necks. It is also good for eczema and piles. Usage: You can use it by massaging on your skin.

Calendula Oil: It is moisturizing. It is exfoliating. It is also protective against sunlight. It moisturizes the skin. It is good for varicosis, eczema, pimple, fungus, rash, and eruption. Usage: Massage this oil on your skin.


Why do Children get Fever?How to Reduce Fire?


The most common fear of parents is the fever of their children. In fact, fever is a normal response to bacteria and viruses that often enter the body.If checked carefully, it is a useful defense mechanism.

Why do Children get Fever?

The most common causes of short – term fever lasting three to five days are upper and lower respiratory infections, diarrhea in the gastrointestinal tract, and infections with vomiting, especially in children.

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Apart from these, otitis media, pneumonia, meningitis, rheumatic diseases, malignant diseases may cause fever. Some children may have mild fever after the vaccine and during tooth extraction.

In What Circumstances do I have to go to a Doctor?

  • All febrile children under 3 months should be taken to the doctor.
  • If you have a rash on your skin with fever
  • Even though the fire is falling
  • If he’s breathing hard and often
  • Cough, wheezing, ear pain, abdominal pain, sore throat, persistent vomiting, frequent diarrhea, burning urination, changes in the color of urine
  • If there is throwing and swelling in the wing
  • If your child is under 2 years of age, more than 24 hours, over 2 years of age, fever persists for more than 3 days
  • If you have symptoms of dehydration, such as dry mouth, lack of tears, a decrease in the amount of urine in the eye or in the dimple in the binguldakta, you may have fluid loss.
  • a doctor should be consulted without delay.

How to Reduce Fire?

It is normal for the child to tremble as the fever rises. Thick clothing, the child’s fever leads to an even higher.

For this reason, the child should not be dressed in thick clothes, on the grounds that the cover should be cold.

The temperature of the room with the hot child should be kept between 21 and 22 degrees. Fever increases sweating and respiration, resulting in increased fluid loss.

Plenty of fluids should be given to the child. If the fever is too high, you can wear warm water (29-32 degrees) or rarely bathe, but never wrap the child in a cold wet towel or table, or put him under a direct cold shower.

In addition to these applications, it can be used in syrup and suppositories that reduce the child’s age and weight at appropriate dosage.

One of the points to remember that aspirin should not be used in children as a lowering of fever.

What is Febrile Convulsion?

At the time of the febrile convulsion, up to 30% of the families do not realize that their children are hot. It is often seen in children between 6 and 5 years of age.

The fire is usually above 38C. Although hot wire transfer is a very scary situation for families, it is not a stop that actually hurts the child.

Contrary to popular belief, a febrile transfer does not cause epilepsy, nor does it cause injury or death. In a febrile referral child may develop a loss of consciousness in the eyes of spasm and bruising.

The first thing to do in this case is to calm down. It is comforting to know that this situation will not cause permanent damage to the child. In such a situation, the child should be prevented from falling and damaging himself

. You can take your child in your lap and hold his back in a position facing you side by side and his head slightly down. It is the most accurate move to apply to the nearest health center by keeping the airway open. 90% of hot wire transfers are already self-contained in 10 minutes.