These Things Should Be His New Parents! Seriously Now- Forever!

his new parents

Yes, we know what triggers the birth of a child for an emotional outburst. You want to share joy of his little miracle with everyone. They want to let to know all the world what genius is there now rears. You want to talk only about the baby and life with baby. But honestly, dear parents, there are things that do not want to know about your child’s world. Never. Not even a little bit of it.

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Everything, everything your baby can (or can not) be admirable, unique and like a wonder of the world. You have to share with his environment in the smallest things. How much, drank the baby, although it is still so small, how much of it has it spat out again and most importantly, how much of it was excreted. Stop! No ! Such things must not share with the world one. Dear parents, please retain the following things for ever and ever with you. And let certain things, to be simple.

  1. The first big business

It’s amazing how much time of the day you can devote the excreta of such a small man. Of color, consistency, smell down to the number of transactions – new parents discuss every detail of the big business. But the other interested adult humans ever not. Not even when they have children of their own! Big business has a retire once and for all as the theme.

  1. The age

Why in the world tend to parents of small children to the age of their descendants ‘Malte is now 42 months old’ in sentences like to provide? Why is it Malte not just three or, if need be because, even three and a half? Small info: We do not always have the calculator.

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  1. The Photos

Photos of babies and young children we look to us like loving. Even if there are loose 10-15 per hour. They just keep posting. No problem! But let it be know if your child the used diaper put on the head, or the knee has pitched to the bone. That will really see any. Since we get the crunch! It is so sweet pictures, yes, disgusting and creepy pictures, no, thank you!

  1. Fourth stages Birthdays

No one is celebrating his five-month birthday. Nobody.

  1. Fishing for Compliments

For every parent is without question one’s own child the best. Nevertheless, it is annoying when the proud parents want to hear from other people that their baby is the most beautiful in the world. Just wait, you might say there, look at the pictures of your baby in a year or two again and then say that again.

  1. The doctor visit

If there is a necessary medical reason for a doctor’s visit, then please, dear parents, please notify us. Since we like to have an open ear. But if your child needs only a simple check-up, but her it tinkers a never ending story, in which even the uniforms of the nurse, the pediatrician, the other waiting room parents and the caretaker occurs, then please retain them for you. What is super exciting for you, even we do not care a damn!

  1. The Birth Announcement

A birth is exciting that we understand. Nevertheless, it is unnecessary to tweet every minute of the delivery room and post pictures of Mamas anguish in his face. We do not want to see. Really not at all. And especially we do not want any details about how far the cervix has already opened. No, Never!

These Things Should Be His New Parents! Seriously Now-  Forever!
Article Name
These Things Should Be His New Parents! Seriously Now- Forever!
Yes, we know what triggers the birth of a child for an emotional outburst. You want to share joy of his little miracle with everyone. They want to let to know all the world what genius is there now rears. You want to talk only about the baby and life with baby. But honestly, dear parents, there are things that do not want to know about your child's world. Never. Not even a little bit of it.
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