Now It’s Over! Top 4 Reasons to Quit Smoking

quit Smoking

Motivation complacent? You are welcome …

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Lung cancer, heart attack : Yes, smoking is bad for the body. Known. Stop still falls damn hard because smoking is more than an annoying habit. It is a true-addiction.

Nevertheless, with the right motivation anyone can make it, finally throwing away cigarette butts and start in a cigarette-free life. It need only the right reasons here. Those who lead a the hard hitting facts in mind, but at the same time make courage.

If you stop smoking, for example, is super fast experience better quality of life. Even after 48 hours, improve the smell and taste. How good taste chocolate without the nicotine filter? Or a creamy ice cream? And after only a month to listen to even the annoying coughing fits, which are always so embarrassing.

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Whom it has so far not impressed that in Germany per day from about 300 to 400 people die from the consequences of smoking (there are annually up to 140,000), or that the life expectancy shortened by a good ten years.

  • Smoking costs an incredible amount of money

What it costs! Smoking is an expensive vice. Even those who only smokes four cigarettes a day, throwing out a good 400 euros to the window in one year. A week All-inclusive holidays are for the money loose inside!

Who smokes a pack a day, so about 20 cigarettes, comes in good Euro 1900. For the money you can really make a lot of holidays, go shopping, eat in fancy restaurants .

  • Smoking increases the risk of dangerous lung cancer

Yes, well, everyone knows smoking that lung cancer risk increases with every cigarette. But to whom is clear that 90 percent of all deaths are caused by lung cancer from smoking? Around 43,000 persons die each year from lung cancer in a small country.

BUT: Those who manage to quit, after only ten years smoke-free reduces the risk of lung cancer by half! And after three months, the lung function by up to 30 percent improved, the Federal Centre for Health Education.

  • Smoking increases the risk for cancer danger there

Not only is the risk of lung cancer increases, other cancers caught smoking about twice as likely as Non smoking. In women it is especially breast cancer and cervical cancer.

BUT: After only ten years to stop smoking, the risk significantly reduced in air and oesophageal, kidney or pancreas developing cancer.

  • Also smoking always increases the risk for cardiovascular disease

And still quite a blow to the health and life expectancy: Smokers suffer more frequently from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke.

BUT: Cessation worth it in no time! After only 24 hours, according BZgA reduced the risk of heart attacks. After only one year, the risk of heart attack falls to half the risk of smokers and after 15 years it is not higher than the risk of a nonsmoker.

Now It's Over! Top 4 Reasons to Quit Smoking
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Now It's Over! Top 4 Reasons to Quit Smoking
Lung cancer, heart attack : Yes, smoking is bad for the body. Known. Stop still falls damn hard because smoking is more than an annoying habit. It is a true-addiction.
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