Category Archives: Child Education




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Baby care is very important subject in the lives of parents. Parents should read the tabs on products very carefully.  Instead of using products involving chemicals prepare your products at home for your baby care.

For Sensitive Skins:

– You do not need to  bathe youe baby everyday. It is enough to wash baby’s butt with lukewarm water.

– Do not use soap while washing the body of your baby.

– You should change your baby’s diaper often and sometimes leave your baby naked to take air in this way you can protect your baby from  rash.

– Your baby do not need anti-bacterial soap or wet wipes. The excess using of anti-bacterial products will prevent the development of immune system.

– Talk powder gives harm to lung’s of babies.

Water Disposal:

We use 75% of water that we use at home is  in bathroom. 28% of this is used in toilets. Some old toilets use 1.9 lt. of water every time. Be careful about water leakages. You should prevent the water disposal in your house for next generations. While choosing toilet paper choose the ones which are recycling and did not blanched with clor. Chemicals used to blanch muck the water, air and land.

Keep Away From These Materials: 

Parabens: Parabens have cancer effect. Some baby lotions, baby shampoos, soaps,talk powders, baby oils, sun lotions, wet wipes bath foams involves parabens.

 Fatalats: It is observed that it causes damages on laboratory animals on their livers and lungs.

Bittumen: It is used as active material in bran shampoos. Some doctors recommend this shampoo for cradle cap.

Fenilenediamins: These materials are used in hair colours. It causes gullet irritation asthma and skin inflammation.

Dietanolamin: This is harmful especially for embryo. It can cause brain damages.

Toluen: It is used in some nail care products. If mother is faced with this material during embryo period the nerve system of babies are affected.


 Tooth paste: You can use carbonate instead of tooth paste. If you wish you can drop mint oil in it.

Gargle: You can chew parsley or fresh mint in order to have fresh breathe.

Soap: Use pure olive soap and laurel soap only. Leave soap in a place that they can stay  arid. Collect small soaps and grate them in hot water and use them as liquid soap.

 Skin mousturizing cream and hair balsam: Use aspir oil for mousturizing, for dry hair and skin use olive oil, for normal hair and skin use jojoba oil.

Perfume: Use pure essence oils to make good  odour.



                                                     AGGRESSIVE CHILD

angry child

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The parents do not want to understand that aggressive child denotes herself/himself by being aggressive because parents do not want to see that they are the reason of this problem.

Aggressive child express herself/himself  by actions instead of words. Many times even s/he does not know what s/he wants to tell. Not only children sometimes teenagers and adults behave like this.  Child who destroys school’s tools want to give the message of  s/he is angry. The hidden message without words under her/his action is’ there is something in my life which is problem for me. I feel my self bad. Be aware of me and help me.’

The society and parents call these children as disobedient, bearish and aggressive. They either want to stay away from child or give useless punishments to child. Nobody wants them. People always talk abut the behaviours of the child and they want to revise her/his actions. Instead of dealing with the feelings of children adults try to put the child in a certain behaviour structure. Critics and advices strengthen the negative behaviours of the child. Parents do not want to understand that the child shows the problem or the pain inside her/him like this because they do not want to accept that the problem is caused by themselves.

Most of  the parents can not confess that they behave their children in wrong way. How many parents say ‘my child behaves in a bad way because he does not feel well’ instead of ‘I did not give the necessary attention to my child. I answered his/her normal reactions with anger’ Children only behave in a good way by not injuring others only if s/he trust on her/his parents and if they do not injure him/her. Child’s self confidence should be developped. The idea of ‘I must not injure anybody’ develops only if  s/he thinks that nobody injures her/him. Anger and violence is feelings of children and adults. The important thing is to balance these feelings with empathy.

How can we act to  aggressive child?

– Try to understand the reasons of her/his behaviours. Listen. Be emphatic. But put limits to him/her.

– Do not punish. Use motivation techniques. Promote. ( ‘ Today, you did not hit your friends for this reason you played well with them today.)

– Put limits. Show options with limits because limitless strengthens the feelings of  distrust.

– Control your reactions Be calm.

-Tell what you want to say clearly

– Wordless communication is important. Your behaviours should support your words.

– Share time to your child. Teach her/him using emotions instead of actions. Tell the results of his/her actions without commenting.

– Support him/her for developing his/her emotional ideas. Help him/her for mentioning his/her emotions.

– Accept anger as normal feeling of human being. The child must learn all emotions but express the feelings in positive way.

– Listen your child even if s/he is angry. Do not admonish. Tell your feeling without blaming him/her.Use ‘I’ language instead of ‘you’ language.

– Develop thinking skills of your child. S/he can give suggestions for solutions.

-Give chance for his/her faults.

– Do not have rigid rules or do not be behave absolutely free to your child.

– Solve problems to teach her/him how to solve problems.

– Find activities for your child to waste her/his energy.

– Discover the needs of your children and give possibilities to your child to meet her/his needs.

-Use common language against child with adults around him/her.

– Use tender relationship with your child.

-Take attention of your child. Use games for this.



There are many advantages if your child speaks on time. First of all this support his/her mental development and the child has awareness about his/her environment earlier than other children. Early talking child has meaningful relations with the social environment that s/he lives in.

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Language and talking development differs from child to child. But all the children begin to talk approximately at the same ages. Some children begin to talk later than his/her peers also s/he does not has mental or developmental problems. The important reason of this is not giving the needed importance to his/her language development and not having supporting exercises about language development with her/him. The false approches of parents cause children to talk late.

Some talking disabilities are physical and some of them depend on environmental factors. For an example if you use baby language while talking to child, the child will probably has problem of speech defect. Most of parent do this fault because they think that  baby language is so cute. But this is big handicap for child’s language development because child simulates the people around him/her. Child’s talking like baby can be seen as advantage during pre-school period because s/he got interest of others around him but this turns to disadvantage during school period because his/her friend will kid him/her. So this will have negative effect on his/her social development.

Early talking child develops his/her communication skills and social living skills so this cause development of self confidence. If you do not support your child’s language development with language stimuluses child will not talk on accurate time. You should share time with your child. Parents should talk with child from the babyhood. You should not wait for meaningful speeches from him/her in order to begin  to talk with him/her. Do not forget communication with child starts  when s/he was in his/her mother’s belly. In the beginning s/he does not understand what you are talking about but this will cause him/her to early understanding. Early talking with baby develops her/his language skills. Mother can tell her activities to baby about himself/herself. Mother can tell what she will do to the baby.She must use single words and explain in regular way what she is doing. Baby will use eye contact and feel her/ his mother’s feeling from her voice tone and reply her with different voices. By time these reactions of baby will gain meaning.

After one year old, voices, shapes, objects and number should be learnt to the child.The games should be played to develop his/her skill of mockery. Games and activities support language development. And also environmets which child can play with his/her peers are important for his/her social and language development. Thus, for your child’s development do not wait for talking with your child. Start talking when you are pregnant and continue to talk with her/him when s/he came to world. Share time to your child, play games which will help her/his development and watch her/his development with love.


                                        SIBLING JEALOUSY


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Jealousy is seen in every period of life but in childhood it is seen more common. Sibling jealousy is a natural emotion but the degree and expressing of jealousy ranges according to children.

Especially in the early ages of children sibling jealousy is more common among children. Behaviours of parents, sex, age and age difference are factors in sibling jealousy.

The child’s ideas about himself as his parents do not love him/her as much as his/her sibling causes jealousy more. If the age difference is less than 2,5-3 ages this emotion is experienced more strong. Children in close ages live the same  problems and for parents it is hard to show the same interest and energy to children. The divided interest of parents cause an idea as child is loosing the interest of parents.

Here are some behaviours of jealous child,

– S/he demands things that s/he does  not want before. S/he does not communicate with his/her mother much.

– S/he has problems with sleeping and eating. S/he acts nervous and withdrawn.

– S/he soils underclothes, sucks finger, talks like baby or cries

– S/he wants to sleep with her/his parents

– S/he aggravates orally or physically

– S/he does not want to eat by herself/himself

-S/he does not want to go to the school

-S/he questions her/his parent’s love

All of these factors can be lessen or gather according to the attitudes of parents.

Thus, what should parents do?

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Parents belive that as long as they act equal to their children they will face with less problems but needs of 5 years old and 10 years old children and methods of solving their problems are different. Parents should communicate with children according to their ages. Their demands should be evaluated according to their ages. It is normal to have argument among children. They learn their personal limits while solving their argument if parents interfere their argument they prevent their ability to solve problems. Parents should not interfere the problems among chidren as long as they do not give damage to themselves or violate their rights. Parents should not discriminate their children as rightful and wrongful.

Parents  should organize private hours with the child who live jealousy more. They have to pass time with her/him lonely. Every child has different personality. Show respect to his/her differences. Instead of getting angry listen and understand his/her feelings and ideas. Give personal daily responsibilities and  bless him/her orally when s/he fulfills his/her responsibilities.

Three years old children can not think that the baby is alive and s/he can give damage to her/him. S/he got angry with your interest to your baby. Meanwhile with parallel to our behaviours s/he shows positive or negative behaviours. Parents should make division of labour as while mother is feeding the baby,  father can change the clothes of older child. If your child do not want sibling you have to understand his/her feelings. Child could refuse idea of having  sibling because of factors like hard woking of parents and sharing little time to child, the dependent relationship of mother-child relation and undeveloped competing ability. But this important decision about having baby should not be given by your child, this should be your decision.




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Your role in education of child gains more importance with the holiday of schools. Your child’s learning process is permanent developing subject so parents’  behaviours in this period is important.

During school period,  the children gain new skills with the activities that they learnt in the school. School period is very important for development of children but also family has vital importance for the development of children like this period. Your role increases with the holiday of schools. The learning period of the children continues in the holiday so you have to evaluate this period.

You should preserve your parents role by having qualified time with your child by contributing  his/her development. You should change your common living places to teaching areas without going at. You can investigate the hidden informations around you. For an example, while you are in the kitchen, you can play games to develop his/her concept and muscle skills. Count the needed materials which is needed to cook your meal. Put your materials on the table and group the materials according to their  features. You can ask questions as which colour or which shape. While you are cooking you can explain by using the concepts ‘before’, ‘after’ for teaching the concepts and teach how to organize a duty.

Children like to play in the kithchen but also they like to play with water and creating stories. You can combine these two activities. After every bath, you can create new stories with the fume on the mirror. This will help him/her to develop his/her language development and imagination.

For  most parents especially for working ones weekends are most important periods for house requirements. You can change this period to joyful time with your children. To develop your children’s  location concept, you can tell your children where you will go. Want him to remind you which direction you will go and which districts you will pass. Tell him/her to tell what s/he sees around him/her.

Do not forget that every activity that you will perform together will support his/her emotional development and will support smiling on your children’s face.

Resorces: Mother and Baby, Ayfer Erdem Batı, July 2012.