A new type of flu was spread around the world from China. This new type of flu caused many deaths around the world. What is Corona Virus? How can we protect ourselves from this virus? You will find the answers to these questions in this article.

A coronavirus is a virus that is common among animals. Rarely, scientists state that coronavirus is zoonotic. According to the American Disease Control and Prevention Center, Zoonotic expression means that viruses infect from animals to humans.

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What are the symptoms of this disease? Nasal flow, cough, throat ache, sometimes headache, possible but not necessarily, fever for a few days. The virus infects people by cough, sneeze and shaking hands. The virus appears in the body through mouth and nose and place on the respiration system. Thus, it circulates the body.

The deaths are seen as a result of diseases like pneumonitis. As a result of pneumonitis, the liquid in livers prevents inhalation and causes deaths. Sometimes, the virus places on the circulatory system. This causes a lack of oxygen for the blood circulation. Finally, multiple organ failure causes death. So what can we do to protect ourselves against the virus?

The virus infects not to air but to surfaces. It lives on metals for 12 hours. For this reason, wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds. Also, it is enough to use cologne with 70-80 degrees of alcohol. Cologne kills the virus. While sneezing, sneeze to the inside of your elbow. Always clean your hands. Do not touch your face, eyes, and nose without washing your hands. If you are cold use mask. If you approach someone closer than one meter, and if s/he is ill, and if you do not stay there longer than 15 minutes you will not have the risk of being ill. The mask is not recommended for healthy people.

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The mask will protect you unless you will stay with ill people in the same place closer to less than one meter longer than 15 minutes. Except for this, there is no extra protectiveness of the mask. If you do not use your mask in an accurate way, it will be a source of infection.

It is very important to have a strong immune system for all kinds of infections. There are three ways of strengthening your immune system:

  • Do physical exercises regularly.
  • Sleep well. Sleeping little decreases the power of your cells which fights with viruses.
  • A balanced diet is important. You should have a diet with carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Eat vegetables and fruits. In this way, your body will take sufficient vitamins. Eat natural Vitamin C. Drink a glass of water with sliced lemon in it. If you have a balanced diet you do not need extra supplement vitamins.

In order to protect yourself against the virus, in a crowded place, bow your head and do not exhale to each other. When the virus gets heated, it goes up to the ceiling. Hold only one place if you are in a crowded place. The viruses will colonize on you if you stay in an environment with viruses for more than an hour.

Where are the viruses take on? They can take on hands, nose, face. When you get off public transport vehicles do not touch your hands, mouth, and face. Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds. Or wash your hands with cologne for 15 seconds. Put a dessert spoon of salt in a glass of water. Swash your nose and mouth with this salty water. If you do not have salt you can swash with normal water.

As a result, do not shake hands and hug. Stay away from crowded places. Do not touch your mouth, nose, and eyes with dirty hands. Hand hygiene is very important. Use soap and hand antiseptic which involves alcohol. Ventilate homes, offices, and classrooms. A healthy and balanced diet is very important to strengthen your immune system. Wash your foods very well before eating. Do not forget panic kills. Do not be panic. Be calm. Just obey the hygiene rules. You can save your life just by washing your hands. Life is going on.

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