THE BENEFITS OF LAUGHING


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According to experts laughing is the power inside us. There is a magical power in laughing. It is medicine for many diseases espsecially for cancer. Doctors recommend watching comic videos and films for cancer patients.

Laughing decreases high tansion, abates stress, softens the muscles and strengthens the immune system. This gives physical, emotional and cellular easement. Psychiatrists recommend laughing both for psychological and physical reasons and around the world laughing days and weeks are organized. In U.S.A, Sweden, India, Australia and New Zeland are the first countries that laughing seances are organized. In January 2000, 100,000 people met in Kopenhag and registered in Guiness Record Books by laughing together. 15-21 May will be announced as national laughing week in England  and in India there are clubs for laughing and Turkey will celebrate first week of April as laughing week.

Studies proved that laughing causes secretion of endorphin in the brain which posts signals to nervous system. Related to this stress hormon in the brain decreases and human relaxes.More oxygen is taken to blood by laughing. First heartbeat are accelareted and  blood pressure increases and then blood pressure declines. According to experts this is called as natural massage which gained elasticity to digestive system. While person is laughing, the excreting of Lyzozom enzyme increases in the eyes and spit which is the main element of immune system. Thus we can say that laughing is the best medicine.

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According to Dr. Michael Miller person excretes chemicals while laughing which relaxes the muscles. To protect your heart healh it is important to laugh, exercise, take one aspirin a day , not smoking and staying far away from stress. Anger and stress are vital enemies of hearth and heartfelt laugh at least once a day is recommended.

Laughing is the common language among people but laughing differs in every person like fingerprints. While men are laughing diaphram trembles 280 times and while women laughing diaphram trembles 500 times. People relax by depleting neural energy. Darwin pointed out that during his visits he realized that laughing is the unique communication tool which is universal. It is indication of acceptance.

Finally, we can conclude as not only for phsical health but also for psychological health laughin is important. Do not forget it is very beneficial and free. It is one of the important thing that you can perform for your own benefit.



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