Author Archives: Busra Demir

5 Ways To Lose Weight For Women


How about taking action now for the five kilos you’ve been planning for a long time? Without a strict diet program, you can lose 5 pounds in a short time by simply changing your eating habits.

10 ways to lose weight for women:

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1.Don’t Eat Sugar

When you are on a diet, completely remove the sugar from your life. The sauces you buy, frozen food, bread, and many other foods contain hidden sugar. So be sure to read the contents before buying your food. Limit or reduce the sugar to zero, not only during the period of your diet, but also in your whole diet.

2. Eat Fresh Fruit

During the weight loss period, remove packaged foods and food from your food list. Don’t forget to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Care especially to consume organic foods.

3. Walk More

You may not be able to walk because of the intensity of your work life, or because of housework. However, you can support your calorie burn by evaluating some of the opportunities that come before you.

For example, instead of using an elevator, you can climb the stairs and park your car a little further away from your office. In this way, you increase your number of movements during the day a little bit.

4. Drink Water

Studies have shown that people who drink a high amount of Water lose weight faster than those who do not drink. This is why drinking water is very important when you try to lose weight.

5. Sleep Regularly

Did you know the negative impact of inadequate sleep on losing weight? According to research, people who don’t get enough sleep tend to eat and gain weight.

6. Do Not Drink Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages contain a high percentage of ’empty calories’. Instead of drinking alcohol, increase your drinking habits and speed up your weight loss process.

7. Cook Your Meals at Home

Cook your meals at home to eat healthier and avoid excessive calorie intake.

When you order food from the outside, you will not know the amount of fat and salt placed into the menu, even if the menu you choose seems quite healthy. For this reason, to control calories, cook your meals at home.

8. Eat Vegetables

Fill 3 / 3 of your dishes with vegetable dishes and salad. Vegetables and salad types, which are lower-calorie than other meals, help you spend your meals healthier.

9. Drink  The Soup

Soup is one of the low-calorie foods that keeps you full. Many vegetables and grain groups in it help you to eat well while keeping you full for a long time. When cooking soup, all you have to pay attention to is to limit the amount of flour, fat and cream.

10. Drink  Milk

Did you know the important effect of calcium on weight loss? According to research, half-fat milk and dairy products have been shown to accelerate weight loss.

How is Seen Asthma in Children?

Asthma in children, although not different from adult asthma, carries some special difficulties.

Asthma in children; applications to emergency services, hospitalizations and not being able to go to school. However, with early diagnosis and correct treatment, symptoms can be controlled, damage to developing lungs can be prevented and adverse effects of daily activities such as sleep, sports, school and play can be prevented.

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The first symptom of asthma in young children may be recurrent wheezing respiratory attacks caused by a virus-related respiratory infection. Asthma is more common in children than in adults. In children, asthma, long-term coughing or fullness in chest can also manifest itself as a single symptom.

  • Common symptoms of childhood asthma.
  • Other symptoms of childhood asthma.
  • The symptoms that a doctor should consult in children.

Common Symptoms of Childhood Asthma

  • Frequent, intermittent coughing.
  • Wheezing or whistling while breathing.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Feeling of fullness or squeezing in chest.
  • Chest pain (especially in young children).

Other Symptoms of Childhood Asthma

  • Sleep disorder due to shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing.
  • Cough or wheezing that worsens with a respiratory infection such as flu or influenza.
  • Delayed healing after respiratory infection or bronchitis development.
  • Shortness of breath that can prevent play or exercise.
  • Fatigue that can negatively affect sleep.

Symptoms that a Doctor should Consult in Children

  • Continuous, intermittent, or coughing associated with physical activity.
  • Wheezing or whistling while breathing.
  • Shortness of breath or rapid breathing.
  • A complaint of fullness or impingement in chest.
  • Recurrent bronchitis or pneumonia.

How is Treated Asthma?

1. Arrange your home and your environment: Keep your asthmatic child away from allergic substances and triggers of non-allergic asthma attacks, remove carpets from home dust mites, remove special marijuana covers on mattress and pillow, do not smoke anywhere in house.

2. Do not neglect medication treatment: Your child with allergic asthma will be given fast-acting spray medication in the first stage of drug treatment and your child will be attacked. These drugs contain very low doses of cortisone.

3. There is no risk of side effects when used in appropriate doses. The decision to stop drugs should be given by an allergy specialist. As a radical solution to allergy, drugs should be gradually reduced and discontinued.

3. Apply sublingual drop vaccine therapy: Allergies and asthma in your child develops due to improper functioning of immune system. Asthma must be constantly suppressed with medication unless allergy is rooted.

4. Therefore, fundamental solution of allergy is vaccination therapy. This treatment can be applied to your child as a sublingual drop vaccination treatment without side effects, on condition of expert control, you can do application at home, duration of treatment is 3-5 years.

5. Control reflux: Asthma, by nature, is accompanied by 80% of stomach head laxity in children. Gastric acid escaping from stomach to lungs and lungs worsens asthma.

6. For this reason, reflux protection is an essential part of your child’s asthma treatment. Avoid chocolate, cakes and similar foods with refreshing cocoa, and do not eat your child at least two hours before bedtime, including milk.

7. Success of asthma treatment is achieved with simultaneous application of these four steps. However, should be remembered that even if one is missing, possibility of prolongation of asthma in adult life will increase “.

chicken rice

How to Make Chicken Rice? Practical Rice Recipe

Rice, known to have great benefits to human life, provides rapid and instantaneous energy, regulates and ameliorates bowel movements, slowing down aging process as well as balancing blood sugar levels.

Because amount of carbohydrates in rice is abundant, it provides fuel to body and helps normal functioning of brain. Protects against Alzheimer’s. Like brown rice, whole grain rice is also rich in insoluble fiber, which can provide protection against many types of cancers. Many scientists and researchers believe that such insoluble fibers are vital to protect body from development and metastasis of cancerous cells.

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Rice is especially useful in defense against colorectal and intestinal cancer. In addition to rice, fiber has vitamin C, vitamin A, phenolic and flavonoid compounds that act as natural antioxidants or triggers that cleans body from free radicals. Free radicals are by-products of cellular metabolism, which can cause serious damage to organ systems and cause healthy cells to become cancerous. Increased antioxidant levels can be achieved by consuming more rice.

Prevents Humidity of Salt

Sometimes salt doesn’t run out of salt, might spoil a nice meal. If you don’t want this to happen, try adding a few rice grains to your salt. Grains to prevent moisture, salt will keep flowing.


How to Make Chicken Rice? Practical Rice Recipe

Chicken-rice duo is a taste that people of all ages enjoy. The main ingredients can be boiled, chicken leaf, and black pepper. So, how to make chicken rice?

Chicken rice is one of dishes that can be consumed every meal and is very suitable for every menu. You can mix small pieces of chicken with rice or you can only serve them. At the same time one of street flavors of chicken rice in form of cooking. You should cook lid in a closed pot and low heat without stirring too much. So how to make chicken rice? Here is practical rice recipe!


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 spoonful butter
  • 2 cup baldo rice
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 cups of chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 pc of sugar cubes

Place chicken breast in a deep pot, washed in plenty of water. Add 1 teaspoon salt and bay leaves and boil chicken.Since we will use chicken from boiled water in making of rice; boil over chicken breast, add water until is soft, boil on medium heat. Make sure that is not boiled too much because is also cooked with rice. When chickens become fragmented, let go of long thin pieces. Continue boiling chicken broth on low heat. Heat sunflower oil and butter in a broad-based rice pot. Rinse rice

in pot and place in pan until middle parts are transparent. Put chicken pieces in same pot. Cover lid by adding 3 cups of chicken broth. Boil until medium boil on boiling, boil water over low heat and eye until eye is cooked. Let cooking process be completed and lid closed.

What Are Symptoms Of Breast Cancer?

The most obvious symptom in breast cancer in the breast is controlled manually, when coming into the hands of an audience. In addition, radiology imaging methods can be performed.

Known as determination of masses of advanced stages of breast cancer breast tissue changes occur in skin by changing color of veins, and observed an increase in bloody discharge symptoms, such as breast and axillary lymph nodes of breast cancer don’t come hand in among symptoms.

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Breast cancer symptoms occur before a possible intervention that may be plays a major role in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

As with other oncological diseases breast cancer, early diagnosis is of vital value. As a result of early diagnosis, disease will be treated early and chance of reducing the negative results will be increased.

It is recommended to have ultrasonography before 40 years of age, and mammography checks after 40 years of age. In addition, women should examine themselves manually.

In addition, if there is blood coming from breast to the underwear, thickening of breast tissue and similar changes in tissue, an application should be made to specialist physician immediately.

The most common results among symptoms of breast cancer are manual examination of mass.

What are Symptoms Of Breast Cancer?

  • Mass in breast
  • Breast skin becomes like orange peel
  • Inward nipple of the nipple
  • Discharge from the nipple and bloody discharge
  • In case of early detection of breast cancer, there are some local findings.

Editor’s Pick:

Late Signs of Breast Cancer

  • A large mass felt under armpits
  • Pain felt on breast
  • Visible wounds on breast and spread of breast cancer cells to other organs and bones.

Which Foods are Useful to Prevent Breast Cancer

Looking at worldwide research, green tea has a protective effect on breast cancer, while use of pulses should be increased.

In a study conducted on Asian women, was found that breast cancer was less common, Asian ladies, reason for this beans, soy beans, consume a lot of legumes such as red kidney beans and chickpeas, was observed that often when you consume legumes meals without too much ceremony, while at the same time be protective against breast cancer preventing breast cancer.

Russia is a different country; In another study conducted on women, was observed that Russians consumed cabbage soup almost every day.

As a result of scientific research conducted on cabbage, active preservative substances that prevent breast cancer have emerged.

We should benefit from this food by consuming cabbage in different ways.

What is Osteoporosis in Women?

Osteoporosis, is a bone disease that occurs when body loses too much bone, makes little or no bone. Osteoporosis weakens bone and increases risk of fractures.

Osteoporosis leads to abnormally porous bones that can literally be compressed like a sponge. This disorder of skeleton weakens bone and causes frequent fractures in the bones.

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The normal bone is composed of protein, collagen, and calcium, all of which give strength to bone. Bones affected by osteoporosis may break even with relatively small injuries that would not normally lead to fracture of a bone.

Although osteoporosis-related fractures occur almost in every bone of skeletal system, spine, hips, ribs, and wrists are the most common sites of bone fractures due to osteoporosis.

Hip fractures in elderly can be particularly dangerous because long-term inertia required during healing process can lead to blood clots or pneumonia, both of which can lead to fatal consequences.

At least 80% of estimated 8.9 million Americans affected by osteoporosis are women. Experts recommend that women after menopause, their bones lighter and less dense and that female body was going through hormonal changes that accelerate loss of bone mass, for they believe that women are more sensitive.

Causes Of Osteoporosis

Although exact cause of osteoporosis is unknown, process of bone becoming porous is well understood. In the early stages of life, bone breaks down and is constantly renewed, a process known as remodeling of this bone. Bone density usually reaches a peak a person’s 20s.

Bone loss usually begins in the mid-30s. The bones begin to lose faster than they can replace calcium. The bones begin to thin and less embodiment of bones occurs.

For women, bone density loss accelerates in the first five to seven years after menopause and then slows down again. Scientists believe that this rapid postmenopausal increase in bone loss is due to a sharp drop in estrogen production, which helps maintain calcium in bones.

Although some bone density loss is a natural part of aging, some women are at higher risk for bone fractures associated with osteoporosis. Women with a thin or small skeleton system are at higher risk, such as smokers, those who smoke more than moderate, or those who live a still lifestyle.

Women who have a family history of hip fracture, especially before age of 40, are more prone to this condition.

Symptoms Of Osteoporosis

  • Back pain.
  • Back and neck pain.
  • Length shortening.
  • Forward and hunched body posture.
  • Fractures in bones like wrist, hip and spine.
  • Simple accidents can lead to fractures in case of severe bone resorption.
  • Common bone pain and tenderness in bones.
  • Deformities in body caused by melting of bones.
  • Increased inactivity in patient due to pain and fractures.

How To Diagnosis In Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease is made by quantitative measurement of bone mineral density.

This technique, called bone densitometer, is extremely easy, economical and effortless for patient. It gives accurate and accurate results about bone mass.

The World Health Organization (who) has determined criteria for diagnosis of osteoporosis and determination of risk fracture.

These criteria are based on comparison of values obtained from individuals whose bone mineral density is measured with measurements of a 25-year-old woman.