How is Seen Asthma in Children?

Asthma in children, although not different from adult asthma, carries some special difficulties.

Asthma in children; applications to emergency services, hospitalizations and not being able to go to school. However, with early diagnosis and correct treatment, symptoms can be controlled, damage to developing lungs can be prevented and adverse effects of daily activities such as sleep, sports, school and play can be prevented.

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The first symptom of asthma in young children may be recurrent wheezing respiratory attacks caused by a virus-related respiratory infection. Asthma is more common in children than in adults. In children, asthma, long-term coughing or fullness in chest can also manifest itself as a single symptom.

  • Common symptoms of childhood asthma.
  • Other symptoms of childhood asthma.
  • The symptoms that a doctor should consult in children.

Common Symptoms of Childhood Asthma

  • Frequent, intermittent coughing.
  • Wheezing or whistling while breathing.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Feeling of fullness or squeezing in chest.
  • Chest pain (especially in young children).

Other Symptoms of Childhood Asthma

  • Sleep disorder due to shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing.
  • Cough or wheezing that worsens with a respiratory infection such as flu or influenza.
  • Delayed healing after respiratory infection or bronchitis development.
  • Shortness of breath that can prevent play or exercise.
  • Fatigue that can negatively affect sleep.

Symptoms that a Doctor should Consult in Children

  • Continuous, intermittent, or coughing associated with physical activity.
  • Wheezing or whistling while breathing.
  • Shortness of breath or rapid breathing.
  • A complaint of fullness or impingement in chest.
  • Recurrent bronchitis or pneumonia.

How is Treated Asthma?

1. Arrange your home and your environment: Keep your asthmatic child away from allergic substances and triggers of non-allergic asthma attacks, remove carpets from home dust mites, remove special marijuana covers on mattress and pillow, do not smoke anywhere in house.

2. Do not neglect medication treatment: Your child with allergic asthma will be given fast-acting spray medication in the first stage of drug treatment and your child will be attacked. These drugs contain very low doses of cortisone.

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3. There is no risk of side effects when used in appropriate doses. The decision to stop drugs should be given by an allergy specialist. As a radical solution to allergy, drugs should be gradually reduced and discontinued.

3. Apply sublingual drop vaccine therapy: Allergies and asthma in your child develops due to improper functioning of immune system. Asthma must be constantly suppressed with medication unless allergy is rooted.

4. Therefore, fundamental solution of allergy is vaccination therapy. This treatment can be applied to your child as a sublingual drop vaccination treatment without side effects, on condition of expert control, you can do application at home, duration of treatment is 3-5 years.

5. Control reflux: Asthma, by nature, is accompanied by 80% of stomach head laxity in children. Gastric acid escaping from stomach to lungs and lungs worsens asthma.

6. For this reason, reflux protection is an essential part of your child’s asthma treatment. Avoid chocolate, cakes and similar foods with refreshing cocoa, and do not eat your child at least two hours before bedtime, including milk.

7. Success of asthma treatment is achieved with simultaneous application of these four steps. However, should be remembered that even if one is missing, possibility of prolongation of asthma in adult life will increase “.

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