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It is certain that  breathing is the first and vital thing that we perform but can we perform breathing correctly? Stress , hard living  and working conditions  causes changes in our breathing.We breathe less and and we behave less active so our body use less oxygen.

First step for right breathing is to start breathing from stomach, put your hands on your stomach, in this way you will see if you are breathing correctly or not. Breathe from your stomach deeply and  breath out slowly. The period of your breathing out should be longer than your breathing period. Try this again and your exercise should be 3 minutes long.In this way your cells and muscles will receive more oxygen and you will feel yourself better. If you exercise this twice  day after  few weeks yo will start to breath in correct way.

The correct breathing is also known as breathing from diaphragm. Right breathing system is learnt to people especially in yoga and techniques for parity without pain. Diaphram breathing washes all the body with oxygen. Thus, true breathing has protective and curatory feature on your brain, muscles, circulation system, immune system and viscera. Oxygen diffuses to your organs by diaphram and more oxgen means more health.

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It is determined that person begins to breathe in wrong way when s/he gets angry especially people who commit crimes like violence breath in wrong way during these crimes, body looses its balance and person could not think in clear way. For this reason  it is recommended that breathe deeply from diaphram in anger times to became calm this is proven clinically.

True breathing is important for two reasons. First one is to give needed oxygen for our organs to live in healthy way and second one is to evacuate waste and toxin from our body. Oxygen is the main thing that our body needs to live. People can live without food for few weeks and without water for few days but cannot live without oxygen even a minute. So best way have to be performed in breathing. Especially our brain needs more oxygen than other organs in the body  because less oxygen going to brain causes mental obscurity or cognitive decline, depression, hearing and visual sense loss. If oxygen does not go to brain this will cause cerebral hemorrhage and if oxygen does not go to heart this will cause heart attack. Thus, oxygen is needed for health and qualified life.

Finally, it is clear that correct breathing increases life quality and parallel to life quality your success  will increase. By correct breathing if you feed all of your organs in best way you will receive physically and mentally healthy body so by starting correct breathing exercises you will give best present to yourself. So why are you waiting for to give this best present to yourself?

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