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                                                     SPORT AND CHILDREN   


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Sport has vital importance in the lives of children for their healthy growing and in good fettle lives. Sport also help children in having good friends and make them to live in dicipline. Here are some advices for parents.

Sport is important tool which supports the child’s physical, mental and psychological development. And also child’s self confidence develops and s/he will have new friends. In modern society new generations live without moving. And poor moving causes gaining weight and this causes increase in the illnesses about gaining weight. So, parents should acquire sport as habit.


The most important thing in choosing sport for child is his/her field of interest.In every age your child can perform which sport as s/he wishes, but the physiological age of child is important in performing sport. Children between 2-3 years old can  perform running, catching, jumping so they can perform sports like running, swimming, dancing and gymnastics. Children between 4-6 years old can perform dancing, swimming, jumping rope, riding tricycle. Children between 7-10 years old can perform gymnastics, swimming, football, basketball, handball, riding bicycle, tennis and swimming. Children older than 10 years old can perform athletics, oar, wrestling the previous sports that s/he started to perform in earlier years.

Children should visit doctor before starting any sport but if s/he has chronic illness s/he has to visit her/his own doctor before starting any sport. Regular exercing sport is very important for health but exercises can create stress on muscle-skeleton system. And heart, lung, vein and muscle-skeleton system increase their capacity for this stress but if a person perform sport regularly s/he should visit doctor once a year. In these controls heart, lung, digestion system  and in children bones, cartilages on joints and part which tendon joined to bones should be examined.

It is important for parents to support their children in performing sport but your children  should perform whateve s/he wishes.  Your child maybe will not be Maria Sharapova or Roder Federer but s/he will be happy performer so happy child.