Tag Archives: solid detox




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Detox is nutrition with liquids or vegetables/fruits only. Body waste more energy during digestion so the aim of detox is to stop the digestion as possible in order to make the body to use this energy for re-generating cells. In this way the immune system is getting strength and the body is loosing weight through water. If you continue to have healty nutrition after detox and perform detox in regular times your body will be tough against diseases.

If you decide to perform detox in a day your programme will end the next day at the same time. For an example, you began detox on Monday at 2:00 pm it will end on Tuesday 2:00 pm.If you perform liquid detox you should not chew anything even chewing gum. You can drink vegetables soups without grains without limit. Fresh vegetables and fruit juices are free. But if you think that you cannot do detox only with liquids you can choose chewable option. The important thing is not to use the liquids detox or solid detox together. If you begin with liquids continue with liquids, if yo begin with solids continue with solids.

An example for detoxs programme:

 Breakfast: Liquid detox: 2 big glass of water

1 glass of fresh vegetable or fruit juice

Solid detox:   Breakfast  with tomatoes, cucumber and olive.

Lunch:  Liquid detox: Mixed vegetables soup

Solid detox:  Salad with big cucumber, tomatoes,spinach, lemon and olive oil.

Dinner: You have to eat it before  6,00 P.M.

Liquid detox: Soup or vegetable or fruit juice

Solid detox: Salad, vegetable or grilled fish

 Meal breaks: Liquid detox:   Fresh vegetable or fruit juice

  Solid detox: Carrot, cucumber.

Detox Tea from Dr.Ender Saraç


1-2 green apple

1,5 dessert spoon of apple vinegar

1 dessert spoon of honey

 Instructions:  Cut the outher parts of green apple and boil them for 6-7 minutes. Leave this water to become cooler. After 5-10 minutes later add  apple vinegar and honey to this water. Drink this tea before breakfasts and dinners,  If you have stomach disease do not drink this tea. 

Sources: İpek Koşan ‘Detox and exercising ‘