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The latin name of almond is Prunus dulcis. It ir rich from protein, calcium, and iron. It has two kinds as sweet almond and sour almond.The benefits of almond are as follows:

– It is good for headache, liver ache and kidney ache.

– It strengthens the immune system.

– It cures wounds

– It cures kidney and breast diseases



– It eliminates constipation. Mix the same amount of almond oil and honey or pectin. Give babies 2 small tea spoon of this mixture with 4-5 hour break. But consult your doctor.

– It has comfortable effect in sunburns

– It increases milk of pregnant women and helps the development of babies.

– It lowers the cholesterol and lowers the risk of having heart attack 50%

– It balances the level of blood sugar and lowers the risk of attacking cancer.

– It has effect of expectorant and tranquiliser


– It cures the wounds on lips. You can use 1-2 drops  of almond oil.

– Sour almond, opens the pores of liver, kidney and spleen.

– It  removes  body and mental exhaustion

– It involves Vitamin B and protein so it renovates the nerves.

– If you eat a handful of almond eveyday, this decreases the risk of having heart attack.

– It strengthens the stomach if you consume it with milk.

– If you drink 1 dessert spoon of almond oil every day, this softens guts and good for kidney stone.

– It softens the skin and nourishes the hair.

These are benefits of almond, Do not forget to add almond in your daily menu for healthy living.