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The vinegar is used beginning from B.C.5000. Apple vinegar is also called as ‘sour wine’. It is used in many areas from skin care to health problems. The vinegars in the markets are refined but it should be fermented. So the best way is to make your own vinegar.

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The different fields that vinegar is used are as follows:

-The vinegar kills bacterias.Especially in the treatment of problems like ear infections, wart, fungal injection and gem vinegar is used. Hippocrat used vinegar as disinfectant many years ago.

-The vinegar prevents acne formation. It is a natural tonic.Dilute vinegar with water and apply it on your face in treatment of acne and use it as tonic in skin cleaning.It tightens the skin. If you use vinegar for your skin, your skin will be soft and fresh. Also it has protective effect against wrinkles.Because of this, the vinegar known as anti ageing product.

-The vinegar fights against diabetes. It lowers blood sugar. In type 2 diabetes, it balances blood sugar. If you use medicine you shouls consult your doctor before using vinegar. During your meal if you eat a bit of bread by dipping into vinegar, this will balance your insuline.But do not forget to ask your doctor if you use medicine.

-The vinegar gives the feeling of fullness. It helps to lose weight. It makes you consume 300 calories more in a day. Especially if you use vinegar in your diet you will help to lose your fat around your belly and waist.

– According to the searches that were done by Harvard University, within the ladies who used vinegar in their salad sauce had a lower risk of heart disease. It also lowers cholesterol. And the vinegar has protective property against cancer. but using fermented vinegar is important. Here is a recipe for making vinegar at your home: – 1 kg of apple

-2 spoon of honey

-3 litres of water

-1 tea glass of chickpea

-1/2 tea glass of bulghur

Cut the apples into small pieces. Put them in a glass jar. Add honey, chickpea, bulghur and mix them with plastic or silicone spoon. Close the jar with gauze. Leave it in a cool and dry environment for twenty days. It should not take light directly. During this time, mix them once a day. After 20 days, wait more 20 days without mixing. Finally, take the main of vinegar out and filter it. You can use the main of vinegar in your next vinegar as a ferment.

-The vinegar ensures the activities of the intestine. It affects the liver directly. It metabolizes fats.

-The vinegar also used in hair care. It cleans the corpse cells on the head and this balances the PH level. The vinegar makes hair soft and shiny. It also prevents dandruff.

-It whitens your teeth.

-It also removes tea and coffee stains.

-It relax the skin which was browned.

-You can clean vegetables and fruits with the vinegar. Add 1 glass of vinegar to 3 glass of water. Put your fruits and vegetables in it. Leave them for 10-15 minutes to clean them. It prevents degeneration of food.

-It strengthens the immune system and it gives energy.

-The vinegar is good for coughing. Add 4 spoon of honey to 4 spoons of vinegar. Eat it 4 times a day. You will mention that your cough will be stopped. If you take this mixture before sleeping, you will sleep well. Also, you can use the vinegar as a mouthwash. Add a pinch sea salt and black pepper to the vinegar to use it as a mouthwash.

-If you add 2 spoons of vinegar to 1 glass of warm water and wash out your mouth, this will cure your gum problems.

-It is good for muscle pain.

-If you have a toothache, put vinegar on a piece of cloth and put this cloth on your cheek. This will help you.

-The vinegar is good for the eye infection. Mix 1 amount of vinegar with 4 amount of water. Wipe this with cotton on your eye.

-It is good for headache. Add 1 spoon of vinegar to boiling water. Smell this. This will be good for your headache. Rub your temple and brow with vinegar.

-The vinegar is also used against fever. But you should dilute it if you will use it to the child.

-The vinegar involves a high amount of folic acid, B12, and Ferrum. It is good for anemia. Add 1 spoon of vinegar to warm water and drink it every day.

The vinegar is very curative liquid. But you should be careful about using it. Do not take more than 8gr. per day because you will lose potassium. Pregnants should consult their doctors and also if you use medicine ask your doctor. Do your vinegar at home. You will feel the difference in your life when you begin to use it in different fields of your life.