Tag Archives: coriender




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The coriander is grown in Europe, Africa and Asia.Mostly  it is used as spice. The other name of coriander is black cumin. The benefits of coriander is as follows:

– It has effect of appetizing. It eliminates indigestion.

– It makes you calm.It eliminates headaches if the reason is neural.

-If you have abscess in your month, put 10-12 drops  of coriander in a glass of water and drink it.

– If you consume it overdose, this will cause vertigo and study.

– If you eat it with honey and olive oil it cures thrush and hives.

-It strenghthens the heart and prevents flutter.

– It regulates period among women and enables giving birth.

– It redoubles the breast milk.

– It removes stomach ache and disgorge

– It has effect of curing trots

– If you eat coriander by mixing honey, it lowers tension

– If you have excessive stomach acid you should not consume coriander.

– It increases virility

-It is recomended to consume coriender against  athorosclerosis

– If you drink powder coriender after steeping it in hot water it will cure wounds in your month.

– It is useful for eyes inflammation if you drop  two drop of coriander sap in your eyes three times a day.

– Its plaster is used  against hemorrhoid.

–  If  you faced with insect sting, you will crush leaf of coriander and put it on it and this will stop the ache.