In this article I will continue you to write you some recipes for your health. I am sure that you will enjoy and you will be satisfied by these recipes. All of them are from natural materials and you can easily do them in your homes. Most of the materails are found in your kitchen and you can easily achieve other materials from markets or herbalists. Here are the recipes;


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2 soup spoons of sage

1 cup of water

Boil the sage in the water. Filter it and gargle before you go to sleep. You can use it within 48 hours. It is also a miracle for pharyngitis and tonsillar.

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Sage is an antidepressant. It reduces stress and makes people feel calm. It removes toxins from the body. It cleans the liver and activates brain functions. It is also good for bronchitis and asthma.


4-5 soup spoons of daisy

1 liter of water

Boil daisy in the water. Inhale the steam of it from your nose. It cleans sinus.

Daisy is good for insomnia. It eases the digestion. It cures stomach aches and cramps. It beautifies the skin and also it cures pinkeye.


1/2 bunch of parsley

2 soup spoon of lemon juice

1/2 glass of water

Blender parsley, lemon juice, and water. Drink it before breakfast for 15 days. Have a break for five days and repeat it for 15 days more. Do this cure fresh and consume it at the same time.

Another recipe for fatty liver sydrome;

1 cup of water

2 soup spoons of lavender

Boil the water and add the lavender. Boil them for 8 minutes. Drink it every night. This cure is very good for hyper fatty liver syndrome.

Parsley cleans the kidney. It prevents oedema and helps loosing weight. It controls diabetes and it is good for skin.

Lavender cures insomnia and depression. It is good for a headache and toothache. And also it is good for skin and hair care.


350 gr. garlic

300 gr. absolute alcohol

Crush garlic but not do it with metal and do not add salt. Put the garlic in absolute alcohol and wait for 11 days at room temperature and dark place. Then, filter it by lady’s stocking. Wait for 3 days more. Add a drop of this mixture to 1/2 Turkish coffee cup of milk and drink in the morning. Add two drops of this mixture to 1/2 Turkish coffee cup of milk and drink it at noon and add three drops of this mixture to 1/2 Turkish coffee cup of milk and drink it at night.

The second day, add 2 drops of this mixture to 1/2 Turkish cup of milk and drink it in the morning, add 3 drops of this mixture to 1/2 Turkish cup of milk and drink it at lunch and add 4 drops of this mixture to 1/2 Turkish coffee cup of milk and drink at night. Repeat this procedure every day by increasing a drop of this mixture in every meal. When you reach 15 drops at night, the next day drink 25 drops in the morning, 25 drops at lunch, and 25 drops at night. Then the other day, decrease one drop of this mixture for every meal starting from 14 drops at night, 13 drops at lunch, and 12 drops in the morning. Every time you should drink it with 1/2 Turkish coffee of milk. This elixir opens all the veins in your body and lowers cholesterol. It is very good for heart vein diseases.

Garlic protects your body. It protects nail and hair health. It is protective against chronic diseases. Also it is effective in weight control. And also it protects from viruses and mycetes.

These are some natural recipes for your health problems. All of them are tried and got good results. These cures and also prevent diseases. Do not give up using nature for your health…

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