Category Archives: Personal Development




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Anger control is very important in social life. Here are A and B plans.

  Plan A:

1- Write 10 situations which you  blaze.

2- Determine the negative effects of your anger feelings to yourself and your environment.

3- Determine negative thinking patterns that trigger your anger.

4- These thinking patterns  have relationship with your childhood so determine enviromental factors related to these patterns.



5- Comb out blaming,pessimistic and other factors which causes anger feeling.

6- Check the coherence of new thinking patterns to you and your environment.


Plan B:

If Plan A did not work try Plan B

1- Keep a small stone with you every time and call it as toleration stone.

2- Choose a nice event that you had lived and hold the stone and think that event for 30 seconds.

anger control

3- Choose any other event that you feel yourself very powerful and hold the stone and think that event for 30 seconds.

4- Choose a moment which you feel strong spiritual peace and hold the stone and think that event for 30 seconds.

5- Good news! From now on you have a toleration stone which will turn your feellings from negative to positive whenyou faced with any situation that will anger you. When you face with situation like this take out your stone from your pocket and hold it for 10 seconds. You will be suprised for the results.




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Detox means to become clean from harmful materials which accrues in the body. In order to use the benefits of detox you should consume vegetable and fruits. Detox applications cause mental and  physical strength. Person feels himself/herself younger and healthy.

Here are some fruits and vegetables which has power of detox:


     Apple enables dashing toxins from body. It is powerful antioxidant. It is rich from potassium and pectin. You can start your day by eating apple.

    Kiwi has benefits especially for skin detox. It has detox effect which eliminates free radicals.

  Orange holds veins young and healthy. It lowers the cholesterol.

  Grape’s grain and peel are rich from antioxidants. It has characteristics of dashing toxins. It is effective in cancer and haert diseases.

  Peach strengthens the immune system. It is important for skin detox. It makes young looking.

   Tomatoes is powerful vegetable. It protects you from stomach, gut and prostate cancer if you consume it by boiling.

  Cucumber is rich from potassium and pectin. It is good for skin detox.

  Parsley is best resource for liver, kidney and urinary tact detoxes.



    Garlic is good heart protector. It dashes free radicals. It should be in detox menu.

     Spinach is powerful detox support. It is rich from Vitamin C, folic acid, beta caroten and iron.

    Artichoke   is most effective vegetable for liver detox. It is good toxin eliminator and has effect of lowering cholesterol.

These vegetables and fruits should be in your detox menu.




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The decisions taken by couples have power of effecting their lives. The balanced and harmonic relationship effects the other ares of lives. If everything is okey at home so every is okey out of doors.

If you feel yourself valuable, comfortable and secure in you relationship so your relationship is the right one for you. But if you cannot integrate with your relation and you do not feeel yourself comfortable and there is  negligence in the relationship so relationship sounds a note of alarm. You need relationships which you are accepted even if you disrobe your all clothes in your soul. You need to be accepted as you are.You should not hide your personality because you should continue to be loving with your faults without being judged.


People start their relations with the desire of having satisfying and everlasting relationships. There is desire of continuing lifelong.You live many things and learn many things as couple. Of course you live some problems. Finally you feel that everything is okey. There is no argument and there is no hypertension. Everything comes about. In fact the relations do not have characteristics like this. The point you arrive is only silent and dangerous point in your relationship.The relatioship is in routine now and in this point the relation is hooked in stationary state. This likes crashing of ship to the rock cliff. The relationship is followed route by habits and the life source of couple which is sincerity and love began to dissolve. This is the point where couples begin to sashay from eachother and this prevent them to express their emotions and  feelings to eachother.


It is handicap from relationship point of view to invest to habits. The habits can be sign of becomig strangers to eachother of couples.Living is changing and when you routinize the habits you cannot be aware of changes. At the end of  the changes you can not settle with the things that you achieve after the change.And when you realize this you reach a deadlock.Your expectations and your contributions to your relationship loses their meanings. So you release to think about yourself and your partner. If you start to living in this way you arrive  that black point which you can not cognize your partner.


Love, sharing, loyalty, harmony and agreement is needed for the relationship of couple. It is very valuable for couples to feel himself/herself as the complement of his/her couple. But s/he should stay as s/he is in this integrity. This is needed for mutual understanding of the developing and changing expectations. The couples who identifies themselves and who can express themselves do  not invest to routine. They are sensitive to the changing targets and needs of their relatinships. They do not cover the problems they dicuss and solve their problems. Whatever the life present to couple, they should be ready to face this and be ready for living and sharing the life together.




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beatiful girl

In order to protect your youth for long years the accurate and conscious skin care is needed. It is important to choose which care product will be used in different ages.This essay will  be key for you in choosing accurate care product according to your age.

+15 Do not dry your skin with wrong products

When you are talking about the skin of teenage girls the problem is usually pimples. It is thought that extreme oil secretion causes this problem but the main problem is the bacterias on the skin.Clogged pores can cause to pimples after oxidizing. For this reason teenage girls should be careful for cleaning their skin. But cleaning the skin does not mean drying the skin with wrong products. Also it is false belief that oily skin will become more oily with moisturizing creams.

WRONG:  According to experts teenage girls use soap or curt cleaners to avoid extreme oil secretion. These products is seen to bowdlerize the skin from oil but in long run they do not.

           Teenage girls should prefer light and gel formulated products. Gel formulated light creams will either moisturize and prevent radiancy on your face.


 +25 It is time to protect your face

Your skin begins to get older from 20 years old. The genetic factors, air pollution, UV rays, stress and smoking are some factors which effect the aging of skin.Free radicals which are formed as a result of negative environmental factors play important role in aging  of skin.Free radicals attack to 100 trillion cells of your body. Thus, to protect your youth for a long time you should  protect yourselves from the effects of free radicals. You can use cream that will  protect the skin from free radicals. These creams have characteristics of anti-oxidants and involve vitamins. You can protect your face’s flash for a long time with creams which involve Vitamin A,C and grape seed flavons.

WRONG: In these ages people think that the youth of their skin will stay forever and they do not show interest to their skin. Especially smoking and irregular nutrition can threaten your skin.

 RECOMMENDATION: All the experts advice to protect your skin from sunlight for long lasting youth. The best anti-aging product is sun protective cream.

beauty 1

 +45 Medical help is needed

However you care your skin and stay away from environmental factors, you can not stop hormonal aging. The collagen productivity decreases so some problems occurs like loss of stingency and fullness, tickening and pigment spots on the skin and also wrinkledness.

The creams that you use in these ages should fight for effects of aging and remove the loss of stingency. It is needed to use creams and masks which renovate the top surface  of your skin and remove  the dead coat of your skin.In this way you will achieve more flashing, pure and fresh skin.

WRONG: In these ages you should not expect many things from care products and you should consult to experts. For an example you should consult to doctor during menopause period.

RECOMMENDATION:  Well balanced diet and exercising sport is key of young looking. It is adviced to walk at least 45 minutes three days a week.

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Here are some keys for you to achieve young looking but your psychology is very important in performing these. Love yourself and feel sure of yourself. Do not forget every age has its own beauty. Whatever your age is enjoy it!




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mental cure

The basics of healthy life have two factors. One of them is body health and the other is mental health. These two factors effect eachother sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly.

Mental health is one of the most important building stone of healthy life. Healthy thinking is security guard of spirit. If healthy thinking cedes the person unhealthy thinking takes place. Mental health ruins. Bad thinking harms itself. Stay away from judging if you face with a negative situation. If you can discuss without judging you start to use intellectual cure. And never rumour. Rumouring ruins the mental health. Leave the environment if rumouring takes place.

Our mental situation effects our body. For an example, when some people got nervous their tension or diabetes increases. Thus our mental situation effects our body directly. Nowadays, most people struggle for being right instead of being happy.  People leave struggle for being happy and start to struggle for being right. Everybody should have ambitions and targets but sometimes  these ambitios and targets imprison the person. S/he runs a wild goose chase. S/he become oblivious person. If s/he is conscious of something s/he ignores. S/he only thinks her/his targets. S/he forgets sharing and helping because s/he only thinks his/her targets.

mental cure 2

Every day leave all your duties and obligations and think for 5 minutes. What are you doing? Never compete with anybody. Appreciate yourself. To be happy try the following below.

1-When you feel yourself  in predicament think calmly for 10 minutes and praise for the things that you hold.

2- Live in calm. Shut your mobile down for an hour ever day.

3- Do not shopping very much. Before buying anything ask yourself if you really need it or not.

4- Exercise regularly. Walk. Perspire.

5- Solve crossword puzzle. Find a hobby or learn a foreign language.

6- Move your house close to your work or find new work close to your house.

7- Call and visit your friends and family regularly. Share time to them.

8- Of course do not forget to drink water regularly.

mental cure 3

These are some hints that English experts explained in order to be happy but the most important thing is to love yourself. If you do not love yourself you will not love anybody. Always be optimistic. Do not judge people and make empathy. Happiness is very important for our health and never forget you can achieve it only if you really want it. Love yourself, love your life….