Baby Acne



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Pimples are a real cross. As a teen you have trouble with the red pustules, as an adult sometimes and not even sweet little baby be spared. Barely a few weeks old, the face can be full of small pimples suddenly. A clear case of baby acne.

The most important facts about baby acne

Baby acne, also Neugeborenenakne is quite harmless, but causing many mothers at first for a small shock. But do not worry, do the pimples on the face neither hurt nor itch. The offspring of the baby acne gets nothing with.

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Blame for the pimples is not the wrong care, but the hormonal changes after birth. Finally, the offspring were fed for months with the hormones of the mother. After birth, the hormone levels decreases and as a result, the sebaceous glands of the skin are more sensitive. Baby acne usually occurs in the third week of life, little boys are more often affected than girls. In general, the pimples heal within a few weeks off again and leave no scars. The pimples are red with a yellow nodules in the middle. You are mainly on the cheeks.

This helps baby acne                                                                    

Since baby acne is quite harmless, they must not be treated specially. It heals by itself again. However, there are a few things that aggravate the irritation: baby spit and spat milk for example. Here it helps if baby’s head under a dry cotton cloth is laid, which sucks the liquid. It should also be taken to ensure that the baby does not scratch the face. Cigarette smoke worsens the irritation also. Important: The pimples may not be expressed!

In addition to the baby acne there are two other main problems that babies sometimes have to fight: baby acne and milia.

Infant acne

The infant acne looks at first glance like the baby acne, but does not occur until much later – between the third and sixth month. Here, too, suffer the little ones to red pimples with yellow node in the center, which abound on the cheeks.

Unfortunately, the Säuglingsakne is not quite so harmless. Sometimes it itches and no later than they should be treated by a doctor. Also thereof boys are affected more often than girls. Not infrequently remain scars on the cheeks. As with the baby acne, it helps if a clean cloth is placed underneath sleeping or lying to collect saliva. The pimples may be expressed in any case.


Milia appear as the baby acne on shortly after birth and are caused by the hormonal changes that by making the baby. Instead of red pimples have the little white-yellow dots, mainly around the eyes and nose. Milia do not hurt and heal within a short time all alone again. As with the baby acne and the applies Säuglingsakne: Please do not Express.

Baby Acne
Article Name
Baby Acne
Pimples are a real cross. As a teen you have trouble with the red pustules, as an adult sometimes and not even sweet little baby be spared. Barely a few weeks old, the face can be full of small pimples suddenly. A clear case of baby acne.
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