Category Archives: General


The immune system… It has vital important for our lives. If you have strong immune system, this means that you can defeat all kinds of diseases even you can defeat cancer.

Nowadays, there is a virus in a world which caused death of many people. If your immune system is strong you can defeat this virus. Today I will give you some cures to strength your immune system. My mother was cancer. She defeated her first cancer but then after 5 years, the cancer made metastasis to her bones. And because of her pains she could not walk very well. We did this cure and within 10 days she began to walk more easier. My sister took the recipe of this cure from an old nurse. I recommend to everyone this cure.

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Here is the cure:

10 daily eggs

2 kilograms of lemon

1 kilogram of pure honey

100 gram of slabs of sugar flavoured with spices and dyed red

A small bottle of brandy

Put eggs in a glass bowl. Put lemon juices on it. Everyday turn the eggs. Within 20-25 days the shells of eggs will be melted. Do not forget to turn eggs everyday. Take the thin membranes of eggs out. Blender slabs of sugar flavoured with spices and dyed red. Add this to eggs. Add honey and brandy. Store it in fridge. Drink a small cup of this cure everyday before breakfast and before meal at night. In few days you will feel yourself better. Every people should do this in the beginning of seasons to strength their immune system.

The other cure for immune system is done with lemon and garlic.

Lemon cure:

2 kilograms of lemon

41 cloves of garlic

Crush the garlic but do not use metal. Put them in a dark glass jar. add lemon juice on it. Store in a dark and dry place. Shake it everyday for 21 days. After 21 days drink a small cup of it before breakfast and before the meal at nights. This is very effective on your immune system.

The other cure will strengthen your immune system and also help you in loosing weight.

Fig cure:

7 olives

1 fig (It can be dried or fresh)

1 date

Cut the fig into seven pieces. Cut the date into two pieces. Mix fig, date and olives. Eat every morning half an hour before the breakfast. And half an hour before you go to sleep. This cure also will make you calm and feel happier.

Dr. Saraçoğlu Cure:

50 gr. thyme

50 gr. galangale

50 gr. clove

50 gr. ginger

50 gr.cinnamon

50 gr. daisy

50 gr. linden

Cut all of them into small pieces. Put them in a glass jar. Keep it in a cool place. Boil 1 liter of water and brew a dessert spoon of the mixture. You can drink 10-15 glasses of this tea in a day. When you drink this tea for the first time you can sweat a lot because in curing the diseases like flu you should sweat and get rid of the toxins. This will strengthen your immune system.

The Strong Immune System Cure:

1 pineapple

1 lemon

2 pieces of fresh ginger

1/2 dessert spoon of turmeric

1/2 dessert spoon of paprika

1/2 dessert spoon of black pepper

A pinch of salt

Cut the pineapple ,fresh ginger and lemon into small pieces. Add turmeric, paprika, black pepper and salt. Brew them in hot water. Drink 2-3 cup of this tea in a day. This will strengthen your immune system.

Honey Cure:

A piece of fresh ginger

A lemon

An orange

2 quills

Enough honey

Wash lemon and orange. Do not pare them, just cut into small pieces. Cut the ginger into small pieces. Put ginger, lemon and orange in a glass jar. Put quills. Add enough honey. Honey should be above the mixture. Put it in a fridge. Turn the jar occasionally. After a day take the jar out. Eat a dessert spoon of it every morning before the breakfast.

All of these cures are done and the results are very effective. When you try them you will see how your immune system will be stronger and you will feel better. Do not forget it is easier to protect yourself from diseases instead of curing your diseases. And if you have strong immune system, none of diseases will defeat you.


Our age is technology age and the internet is an unavoidable part of this age. The internet can be a dangerous atmosphere for children and teenagers. Besides, children can leave their parents under online risks unconsciously. For example, they can load bad software which cybercrimes can reach the bank data or personal information of their parents.

In the internet, to know the risks of internet and to know how to protect your child against these risks is the point of awareness. There are some risks which chidren and teenagers face with in the internet. These risks are as follows:

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Cyber Violence: The internet has lots of games. These games have different features. Children and teenagers face with cyber violence with these games but most of children and teenagers do not understand that they are under violence because for them they are playing games. Especially in online games, they are under threat. In the games, children or game characters are subject to violence and sometimes they are ribbing. In this case, games are becoming psychological torture different from a fantastic adventure. The best way to protect your children from cyber violence is being totally in their lives and making talks with them about how should they behave if they face any problem in their lives.

Cyber Hunters: In the internet sexual and other hunters can find and set relation with teenagers and children. They can use the innocence of children sometimes children trust these people very much and they come together with them. These hunters usually attend in-game sites to hunt children and teenagers. They can also exploit the imagination of children. They usually use online games to take the attention of children and teenagers.

Publication of Personal Information: Children do not understand the social limits. For example, they can issue private information on their social media accounts. Private information can be everything like some private photos and even if their address. If children issue everything open to the public you can also see his/her updates and warn him/her not only you but everybody can see his/her publication. You should talk to your children about social limits.

-Identity Victims: Children and teenagers usually tick messages sent to their emails. These emails can be sent by cyber cons. They can do smishing. They follow websites which are favorite within children and teenagers. In this way, they can easily obtain the names of children, names of their friends and their e-mails. Advice your children not to tick messages which are sent by unfamiliar people. They can suppose that they receive a message from their friends but they should check about if the message involves real personal information or not.

-Do not be taken in by Conman: Your children will not believe to ones who say that they would give 1million dollar to them but they will believe to ones who will give a free bonus for the net games. When they trust to conman about games they can give personal information like credit card numbers of their parents to them in order to get a free bonus from games.

-Downloading malware: Malware is software that is loaded and used for bad intention without the permission of the victim. This includes the hooking of your personal information and seizing your computer. Their aim is to make you download malware. They use children in-game sites. The best way is to talk to your children and warn them.

Children love to pass time in the net. And it is not possible to keep them away for long years. The best way is to talk and tell them about


Why do Children get Fever?How to Reduce Fire?


The most common fear of parents is the fever of their children. In fact, fever is a normal response to bacteria and viruses that often enter the body.If checked carefully, it is a useful defense mechanism.

Why do Children get Fever?

The most common causes of short – term fever lasting three to five days are upper and lower respiratory infections, diarrhea in the gastrointestinal tract, and infections with vomiting, especially in children.

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Apart from these, otitis media, pneumonia, meningitis, rheumatic diseases, malignant diseases may cause fever. Some children may have mild fever after the vaccine and during tooth extraction.

In What Circumstances do I have to go to a Doctor?

  • All febrile children under 3 months should be taken to the doctor.
  • If you have a rash on your skin with fever
  • Even though the fire is falling
  • If he’s breathing hard and often
  • Cough, wheezing, ear pain, abdominal pain, sore throat, persistent vomiting, frequent diarrhea, burning urination, changes in the color of urine
  • If there is throwing and swelling in the wing
  • If your child is under 2 years of age, more than 24 hours, over 2 years of age, fever persists for more than 3 days
  • If you have symptoms of dehydration, such as dry mouth, lack of tears, a decrease in the amount of urine in the eye or in the dimple in the binguldakta, you may have fluid loss.
  • a doctor should be consulted without delay.

How to Reduce Fire?

It is normal for the child to tremble as the fever rises. Thick clothing, the child’s fever leads to an even higher.

For this reason, the child should not be dressed in thick clothes, on the grounds that the cover should be cold.

The temperature of the room with the hot child should be kept between 21 and 22 degrees. Fever increases sweating and respiration, resulting in increased fluid loss.

Plenty of fluids should be given to the child. If the fever is too high, you can wear warm water (29-32 degrees) or rarely bathe, but never wrap the child in a cold wet towel or table, or put him under a direct cold shower.

In addition to these applications, it can be used in syrup and suppositories that reduce the child’s age and weight at appropriate dosage.

One of the points to remember that aspirin should not be used in children as a lowering of fever.

What is Febrile Convulsion?

At the time of the febrile convulsion, up to 30% of the families do not realize that their children are hot. It is often seen in children between 6 and 5 years of age.

The fire is usually above 38C. Although hot wire transfer is a very scary situation for families, it is not a stop that actually hurts the child.

Contrary to popular belief, a febrile transfer does not cause epilepsy, nor does it cause injury or death. In a febrile referral child may develop a loss of consciousness in the eyes of spasm and bruising.

The first thing to do in this case is to calm down. It is comforting to know that this situation will not cause permanent damage to the child. In such a situation, the child should be prevented from falling and damaging himself

. You can take your child in your lap and hold his back in a position facing you side by side and his head slightly down. It is the most accurate move to apply to the nearest health center by keeping the airway open. 90% of hot wire transfers are already self-contained in 10 minutes.


The vinegar is used beginning from B.C.5000. Apple vinegar is also called as ‘sour wine’. It is used in many areas from skin care to health problems. The vinegars in the markets are refined but it should be fermented. So the best way is to make your own vinegar.

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The different fields that vinegar is used are as follows:

-The vinegar kills bacterias.Especially in the treatment of problems like ear infections, wart, fungal injection and gem vinegar is used. Hippocrat used vinegar as disinfectant many years ago.

-The vinegar prevents acne formation. It is a natural tonic.Dilute vinegar with water and apply it on your face in treatment of acne and use it as tonic in skin cleaning.It tightens the skin. If you use vinegar for your skin, your skin will be soft and fresh. Also it has protective effect against wrinkles.Because of this, the vinegar known as anti ageing product.

-The vinegar fights against diabetes. It lowers blood sugar. In type 2 diabetes, it balances blood sugar. If you use medicine you shouls consult your doctor before using vinegar. During your meal if you eat a bit of bread by dipping into vinegar, this will balance your insuline.But do not forget to ask your doctor if you use medicine.

-The vinegar gives the feeling of fullness. It helps to lose weight. It makes you consume 300 calories more in a day. Especially if you use vinegar in your diet you will help to lose your fat around your belly and waist.

– According to the searches that were done by Harvard University, within the ladies who used vinegar in their salad sauce had a lower risk of heart disease. It also lowers cholesterol. And the vinegar has protective property against cancer. but using fermented vinegar is important. Here is a recipe for making vinegar at your home: – 1 kg of apple

-2 spoon of honey

-3 litres of water

-1 tea glass of chickpea

-1/2 tea glass of bulghur

Cut the apples into small pieces. Put them in a glass jar. Add honey, chickpea, bulghur and mix them with plastic or silicone spoon. Close the jar with gauze. Leave it in a cool and dry environment for twenty days. It should not take light directly. During this time, mix them once a day. After 20 days, wait more 20 days without mixing. Finally, take the main of vinegar out and filter it. You can use the main of vinegar in your next vinegar as a ferment.

-The vinegar ensures the activities of the intestine. It affects the liver directly. It metabolizes fats.

-The vinegar also used in hair care. It cleans the corpse cells on the head and this balances the PH level. The vinegar makes hair soft and shiny. It also prevents dandruff.

-It whitens your teeth.

-It also removes tea and coffee stains.

-It relax the skin which was browned.

-You can clean vegetables and fruits with the vinegar. Add 1 glass of vinegar to 3 glass of water. Put your fruits and vegetables in it. Leave them for 10-15 minutes to clean them. It prevents degeneration of food.

-It strengthens the immune system and it gives energy.

-The vinegar is good for coughing. Add 4 spoon of honey to 4 spoons of vinegar. Eat it 4 times a day. You will mention that your cough will be stopped. If you take this mixture before sleeping, you will sleep well. Also, you can use the vinegar as a mouthwash. Add a pinch sea salt and black pepper to the vinegar to use it as a mouthwash.

-If you add 2 spoons of vinegar to 1 glass of warm water and wash out your mouth, this will cure your gum problems.

-It is good for muscle pain.

-If you have a toothache, put vinegar on a piece of cloth and put this cloth on your cheek. This will help you.

-The vinegar is good for the eye infection. Mix 1 amount of vinegar with 4 amount of water. Wipe this with cotton on your eye.

-It is good for headache. Add 1 spoon of vinegar to boiling water. Smell this. This will be good for your headache. Rub your temple and brow with vinegar.

-The vinegar is also used against fever. But you should dilute it if you will use it to the child.

-The vinegar involves a high amount of folic acid, B12, and Ferrum. It is good for anemia. Add 1 spoon of vinegar to warm water and drink it every day.

The vinegar is very curative liquid. But you should be careful about using it. Do not take more than 8gr. per day because you will lose potassium. Pregnants should consult their doctors and also if you use medicine ask your doctor. Do your vinegar at home. You will feel the difference in your life when you begin to use it in different fields of your life.


Abs Workout Program For Women

If you want to have a healthy and fit body, I have a new exercise program. Within a week, you can tighten your abdominal muscles and get rid of the fat stored in your belly.

This week’s exercise program was designed to help women dissolve their belly fat and make their abdominal muscles more noticeable.

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You should do the exercises here four days a week and take a day rest between the exercises. In this program, you will repeat each exercise three times, and you will have a total of 25 sets. In this way, you will melt off the fat that covers your abdominal muscles.

3 or 5 days of the week to do cardio exercise, especially 30-60 minutes to keep in mind that you can continue to do these exercises. Because we’re talking about strengthening your abdominal muscles in a week, having a flat stomach.

It shouldn’t be too easy, should it? We have to work ladies, we should all try too!

1.Klasik Crunches

Before starting further advanced exercises, the classic shuttle is definitely the right starting exercise. Lie back on the exercise mat to provide additional support for the spine region. Put your arms on your chest, and place your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent.

Lift your abdominal muscles a few centimeters from the exercise mat and stay in that position for a few seconds before returning to the starting position.

Repeat the same movement one after the other. To make exercise more challenging, try doing it on a balance ball.

2. Reverse Crunches

Reverse sit-ups, strengthens your lower abdominal muscles. Lie down on your back on an exercise mat. Keep your arms on both sides of your body, bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, your hands are flat on the floor, and your feet are parallel on the floor.

Keep your back comfortable and steady on the floor. Lift your hips up a few centimetres from the ground and stay that way for a few seconds before lowering them to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise several times. Exercise the American exercise Council stresses that you need to find and maintain the most appropriate form of exercise to avoid excessive stress on your lower back while you are exercising.

3. Oplique Crunches

The inclined shuttle allows you to have a much thinner waist by running the lateral muscles of your abdomen. Lie back on an exercise mat and lie back on your right side.

Put your hands behind your head, above your neck, and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. Just use your body to get up a few inches and stay in that position for a few seconds without letting yourself down. Complete a set before you move to the left.

4. Plank

Plank, the essential part of all abdominal muscle exercise, will allow you to tighten your abdominal muscles in a short period of time, will increase your endurance. Lie on your face on an exercise mat, bend your arms on your elbows.

Lift your body up on your arms and toes. When pushing your forearms and toes towards the exercise mat, start pushing your body from the mat to the top.

Your body should be parallel to the ground and straight. Count to ten within you before you drop your body down. Then repeat.