Monthly Archives: April 2013

Leek and Potato Soup

  • 2 leeks, cleaned and chopped
  • 2 potatoes, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • ½ cup celery, chopped
  • 2 Tbsp flour
  • 3 cups water
  • 2- 2 ½ cups milk
  • 1 chicken bouillon
  • 1 Tbsp salt to taste
  • 3 Tbsp butter
  • 1 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1 egg
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
 Leek and Potato Souppreparation:

Melt the butter in a big pot and stir in flour. Over medium heat, sauté flour until changes color. Add carrots and sauté for about 2 minutes. Then, stir in potatoes and cook for 2 minutes stirring occasionally. Finally, add chopped leek, celery and parsley; sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add hot water, salt and chicken bouillon. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat covered until the vegetables are cooked or for about 20-25 minutes. Then, add milk and bring to a boil stirring occasionally. Lower the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes.
In a small bowl, whisk the egg and lemon juice. Let the soup rest for a while and then, add some soup into it stirring constantly. Add the egg mixture into the soup stirring rapidly.

Maple syrup Graham bread

Maple  Syrup Graham bread

  1. 2 cups white flour
  2. 2 tsp. Baking powder
  3. 2 tsp. Baking soda
  4. 1 tsp. Salt
  5. 2 cups whole wheat flour
  6. 2 eggs, room temperature
  7. 1 ½ cups buttermilk, room temperature
  8. ½ cup sour cream, room temperature
  9. 1 1.2 cups Highland Sugarworks Cooking Maple


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Preheat over to 325. In large bowl, blend together the white flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Measure and stir in whole wheat flour. İn as mall bowl beat the eggs and blend in the buttermilk, sour cream and maple syrup. Pour this liquid mixture into dry ingredients and stir well. Pour or spoon batter into two 8 1/2 X 4 1/2 loafpans that have been lined with greased waxed paper. Test for doneness in approximately one hour.


                                                          KIP AND FOODS


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Some foods bring down pulse and blood pressure which slow down metabolism and this helps get off the sleep but some foods increase the metabolism and brain activity which makes getting off the sleep difficult.

Kip has positive relation with foods and kip has very important place in metobolism and health. The kinds and amount of the foods are important for the quality of kip. There must be accurate time between your final meal and sleeping time for healthy kip. Your stomach should not be full of foods and also it is not recomended to be hungry before sleeping. If you have chronic kip problem consult your doctor and do not use medicine without doctor advice.

Here are some foods which will help you for good kip but these foods should not be used as medicine,


       MILK: Lukeworm milk with honey is very useful for kip. Calcium in milk has calming effect on body. It relaxes muscles and nerves. Also milk contains milk protein which has calming effect. If you add cinnamon on milk with honey and eat few almonds with it, this will help you to get off sleep.People older than 50 years old are recomended to drink milk without lactose in order to prevent the digestion problems.

      BANANA: Some people call banana as ‘yellow husky kip medicine’. Banana’s effect on kip is related with the effect of neurotransmeters in brain. Magnesium, potasium and triptophan in banana relaxes you and increase your kip’s quality.

      HERBAL TEA: The correct mixture of herbal tea has effect of either hypnotic or calming and stabilizing the emotions. Daisy, melissa, linden tree, lavender will make you to sleep well. Instead of sleeping if you need vitality you can prefer black tea or green tea which contains cafein.

     OAT PASTE:Prepare your oat paste with milk and add cinnamon in it. This is kip food and has characteristics of reducing cholesterol.

     YOGURT: The mixture of yogurt, honey and linseed is helpful for good kip. And also if you add garlic to yogurt, you will reduce the period of your get off sleep.

      BREAD WITH CEREAL AND TURKEY MEAT: After a busy day make a sandwich with bread with cereal and berated or grilled turkey meat will excrete serotonin and will give the message of sack time.

     POTATOES, MACARONI:Baked potatoes helps you to sleep easily. To increase its effect mix the potatoes with milk and prepare  pap. And also little amount of macaroni with yogurt will help you to get off sleep.

     FOODS WITH CAFEIN: Coke, chocolate, energy drink,tea nad coffe increase blood pressure and increase the activites of body. Thus, body will be alert and in good fettle. Do not consume these kinds of foods and drink in the late time of the day if you have kip problem.

    FOODS AND DRINK CONTAINING SUGAR AND FAT: Body use effort to digest the foods and drink containing sugar and fat. If you eat sweet foods this will increase the blood sugar which is energizer for metobolism and brain. This will delay your sack time. If you want to eat dessert, eat it in daytime to use its energy.

     ALCOHOL: High amount of alcohol makes you sleep but this sleep is not qualified. You wake up in the morning without resting. High amount of alcohol first gives vitality but then gives exhaustion to you.





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Your role in education of child gains more importance with the holiday of schools. Your child’s learning process is permanent developing subject so parents’  behaviours in this period is important.

During school period,  the children gain new skills with the activities that they learnt in the school. School period is very important for development of children but also family has vital importance for the development of children like this period. Your role increases with the holiday of schools. The learning period of the children continues in the holiday so you have to evaluate this period.

You should preserve your parents role by having qualified time with your child by contributing  his/her development. You should change your common living places to teaching areas without going at. You can investigate the hidden informations around you. For an example, while you are in the kitchen, you can play games to develop his/her concept and muscle skills. Count the needed materials which is needed to cook your meal. Put your materials on the table and group the materials according to their  features. You can ask questions as which colour or which shape. While you are cooking you can explain by using the concepts ‘before’, ‘after’ for teaching the concepts and teach how to organize a duty.

Children like to play in the kithchen but also they like to play with water and creating stories. You can combine these two activities. After every bath, you can create new stories with the fume on the mirror. This will help him/her to develop his/her language development and imagination.

For  most parents especially for working ones weekends are most important periods for house requirements. You can change this period to joyful time with your children. To develop your children’s  location concept, you can tell your children where you will go. Want him to remind you which direction you will go and which districts you will pass. Tell him/her to tell what s/he sees around him/her.

Do not forget that every activity that you will perform together will support his/her emotional development and will support smiling on your children’s face.

Resorces: Mother and Baby, Ayfer Erdem Batı, July 2012.


                                         VEGETABLES AND FRUITS FOR HEALTH


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Nutrition has vital importance for health. In your daily  menu, eat two or three meals vegetables end fruits. Here are some useful fruits and vegetables for some diseases:

 PUMPKIN consists antioxidants so it protects the body from Alzheimer  and cancer.It also struggles with young aging and protects the health of brain and eyes.

BEAN  is important for kidney and rheumatism diseases. It  helps in curing of these diseases.

NUTS AND WALLNUTS are recommended for heart health. An investigation was done in U.S.A and it is concluded as the risk of heart attack was decreased 50% among women who  consumes nuts and wallnuts.

COFFEE  struggles with cold and asthma by uncovering the bronchitis and also by cafein in coffee the physical  strength increases.

DRIED FIG is storage of potasium and everybody should consume dried fig for heart health. It arranges blodd pressure and protects body from heart and vein diseases.

TOMATOES prevents asthma because of the licopen which it contains. And also tomatoes

is useful for allergic inflammation in lugs.

APPLE is important for immune system. If you eat an apple before exercising any sport, this will give energy to you during your sport.

VINEGAR struggles with respiration diseases. It si good for asthma and high blood pressure.

PLUM prevents young aging and wrinkles. Green plum is rich from  magnesium and mineral which ensure re-generation of cells.

Here are some vegetable juice which are recomended for health,

 POMEGRANATE JUICE is friend of people who has heart and blood diseases. But if you have problem with your gut do not drink it.

GRAPE JUICE: is duratic. And also it protects the elasticity of skin and strengthens the memory.

BLUE BERRY JUICE: is good for diabetics.

 ORANGE JUICE: strenthens blood veins and adviced for the health of lungs.

APPLE JUICE: is good for kidney and lungs.

BERRY JUICE: is good for rheumatism and varicosis. It strengthens the veins.

Do not eliminate fruits and vegetables from your daily menu. Besides this, do not forget to drink water for your body health.