Tag Archives: turmeric




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KARDOMOM  is very useful for gut and breathing system. Seeds are chewed in sufficient amount. You can also use it in your dessert.

GINGER  has good characteristics. It helps digestion sytem and fights against sickness. It sedates pregnant women. It liquefies the blood, and protects from cloting which causes heart attack and brain diseases. It enables the blood stream. If you consume it with cherry it fights with rheumatism. And also it gives a good smell to fish and vegetables.


MUSTARD is diruetic and softens gut. It has effect of stimulant.

            BLACK PEPPER forms 1/4 of spices which are consumed alone. If you consume it in small amount it is friend of stomach and pancreas. It fights against catarrh and fever but if you have urinary tract infection you should consume less.


            TURMERIC  is star of anti-aging spices. It is cery useful for our health. It is more anti-enflamatuar than aspirine. It is anti-viral. In other words it prevents the spread of viruses of flu and catarrh. Generally, it strengthens the immune system. Ot lowers the cholesterol rate. It prevents the development of some cancers especially gut and prostate cancers. It reduces the symtomps of menapose.

CUMIN is appetizing. It is more powerful spice for digestion system.


THYME is anti-bacterial for respiratory tract. It also strengthens immune sytem.