Tag Archives: strengthen self confidence

Strengthen Self- Confidence

Do you often feel that all the others are better, faster, more talented and confident than you? Are you often times uncertain and therefore contendest with your self-confidence? Then change what!

No one has to spend his life as a shy wallflower. The good news: you can strengthen and train self-confidence. This requires the will and the conscious decision to bring about positive change, says Tatjana Strobej, an expert on human nature.

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Sure, that does not happen overnight. Dr. Herbert Meck, Specialist for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, A low self-esteem has always to do with the individual personality This can not be known to change a button’s why you should take enough time treat.

With small changes and tricks each of us can work daily to itself and so strengthen permanently the self-confidence. Top priority: relaxing stay!

Strengthen Self- Confidence --

Strength list

Most see people with low self-esteem only their weaknesses. This applies to change it.

Tip 1:

Make you your top 30 strengths in mind and write them to question you. What makes you unique What are you especially good Why other people appreciate you What would these people be missing if you’re not in their environment?? advises Tatjana Strobej.

Tip 2:

Here come who weaknesses should. Accept Nobody is perfect! Especially the different mix of strengths and weaknesses gives each of us an individual profile and makes us so unique. If someone in front of other stands by its weaknesses and this is considered the as a sign of strength, says Dr. Herbert Meck.

Strengthen Self- Confidence


The day was bad? Do you think! Eyes and vision change!

Tip 1:

Keep a diary. Leave this every night on what you particularly well done that day, what you’re proud of, which have received compliments and feedback from you. Write down also, what are you afraid of what you have but passed with flying colors. Read this book always in the moments when you lose faith in you, says Tatjana Strobej.

Tip 2:

You Make a habit to treat you before bedtime at least a compliment, which refers to the last day. You must not have done all things well. Nobody ever gets it right! Therefore everyone should deal mercifully with them and sometimes error permit – provided one is willing to learn from them, says Dr. Herbert Meck.

Strengthen Self- Confidence-

No comparisons

Who is dissatisfied with himself, likes to compare themselves with – supposedly happier – people and feels even more miserable. A vicious circle that needs to be quit.

Tip 1:

You almost always find people who are more successful, more attractive and more careless than you. Helps you but such knowledge really on? Especially since it is based on your own personal review and yes can also be completely wrong. Unless you compare yourself with others, pretending you you to look at yourself, says Dr. Herbert Meck.

Tip 2:

Instead of looking at others, you should ask yourself: What skills do not draw me enough of what I need to develop more Set your standards high while fans rather in being proud of what already exists? and what makes you unique already.