Tag Archives: senna




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 EXCESSIVE HYGIENE is harmful.  It is important to strenghth the immune sytem in childhood. But healthy environment does not mean excessive hygiene environment because children need microbes to develop their immune system.

INCREASE YOUR WATER CONSUMING ACCORDING TO YOUR WEIGHT. Our body consists 3/4 water so water has vital importance. The experts advise to drink 2 liters of water in a day but this amount has to be increased according to your weight. Over weight people have to drink extra one glass of water for every extra 2 kilos. If you exercise sport and it is too hot you have to drink more water.

BLEEDING OF GUM CAN BE DANGEROUS.Bleeding of gum can be first and very important reason of gingivitis. Other signs of gingivitis are colour changes, swelling, halitosis and brightness. If these problems are not cured the infection can be develops and gives harm to bones. This is called periodontitis and you can loose your teeth even if it does not rot.

NATURAL MEDICINE OF CONSTIPATION IS SENNA. Senna is used in most of the medicine because of its laxative effect. You can consume senna tea in your diet. Add a glass of warm water on the half tea spoon of senna. Wait for 10 minutes. You can add honey if you prefer.

USE MINT OIL FOR YOUR HEADACHE. Mint oil supports digestion system and prevents indigestion. And also it has pain reliever effect on headaches. If you massage with  the mixture of water and mint oil to your temples you feel relax in your pain. Also you can breathe the vapor of water which is added mint oil.

USE SUN GLASSES FOR YOUR EYES’ HEALTH. UV lights will harm your eyes so you have to wear sunglasses which will eliminates the harmful effects of the UV lights.

PARSLEY IS VERY USEFUL FOR LIVER. Parsley is very useful fruit especially for liver.  It is good for swelling of livers. It reduces lubrication of livers. Also it prevents the menstrual cramps of ladies. And it makes skin satiny.

CONSUME VINEGAR FOR ASTHMA. Vinegar is very useful for many diseases like cold, kidney stone, lack of appetite and lowering cholestrol.It is also used to struggle with asthma and respiratory diseases.

RESOURCE: Articles of Prof. Dr. George Lexington