Tag Archives: sagegargle




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The usage of lavender will help you in your daily life. I will give some cures and their usage.

Alcohol, overweight, diabetics type 2, hyperlipoproteinnemy, usage of tetrasicline antibiotics, usage of kortikosteroid, excess intake of phoshor, inefficient intake protein, pregnancy period, wrong eating habşts are reasons for liver lubrication.

Usually you do not have clear compliants about liver lubrication. In some cases you can have ache and hump in your stomach.The cure for liver lubrication is beneficial.



                    CURE FOR LIVER LUBRICATION: Put 15-16 pieces of parsley in a bowl, add two table spoon of fresh lemon juice and 125 ml. water. Mix them with blender for 1-2 minutes. Drink this cure 15 minutes before the breakfast.Apply this cure 15 days and give break for 5 days. Then repeat the cure for 15 days. In second 15 days cure also apply lavander cure in the evenings.

                   Lavender Cure: Boil 150 ml. water and add a dessertspoon of lavender in it.Boil them for 15 minutes at low heat. After 8minutes take them from the heat.Drink this tea at least 2 hours after the dinner by draining. I recommend you to drink this cure half an hour before going to bed.

              CURE FOR ROMATOID ACHES: Steep 1 dessert spoon of lavender in 150 ml, of water for 10 minutes at low heat. Drain it after it become cooler.Drink it two hours after the dinner for 15 days. Prepare this cure freshly everyday.Do not add sugar.After 15 days cure you can continue as 3-4 days in a week according to your compliants.



SAGE GARGLE FOR NASAL FOSSA CHUTE: Steep 1 table spoon of sage in 150ml. of water. Gargle your mouth with this teatwice before going bed. After breakfast repeat the gargle twice. This gargle can stay for 48 hours.

               CURE FOR DUST ALLERGY: Steep 1 dessert spoon of lavender in 150 ml, of water for 6 minutes.Drink this for 15 days at least 2 hours after the dinner. Prepare this everday freshly.

These cures are very useful but do not use them instead of medicines and consult your doctor.

SOURCE: The article of Prof. İbrahim Adnan Saraçoğlu