Tag Archives: food




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You are always hungry and you want to gooble. Sometimes you can think as you wanted to eat anything that would kill your appetite. In fact this is possibble. here are some foods that kill your appetite.

EGG is source of protein. It makes longer the glut period. If you eat an boiled egg in the morning will be filling you.

RED HOT PEPPER  involves kapsaisin which hastens the metabolism that kills your appetite. You can add hot red pepper in your salads and meals.

GREEN TEA is powerful anti-oxidant. It hastens the metabolism. You can consume 1-2 cup of  green tea in a day.

FISH involves iodine which is necessary for thyroid hormone and you do not feel hunger.

ALMOND is rich from mineral and dregs. It involves Omega 3 which protects the heart health. According to the researches, if you eat almond without overdoing you will feel glut. So you will loose weight easily. If you eat two handful almond every day you will feel glut.


VINEGAR  involves acedic acid which damps digestion speeed. For this reason your blood sugar will ascend static and you will feel glut eternity. Put vinegar in your salads.

CINNAMON has characteristics of balancing blood sugar. It is useful for diabetics and people on diet. If you consume half or one tea spoon of cinnamon you will feel glut in long period and you will balance your diabetes.

OLIVE OIL is very useful for your health. If you consume olive oil you will feel glut and you will give weight easily.

olive oil

LINDEN TREE If you drink it before meals this will kill your appetite.

SOUP WITH MEAT, MILK AND EGG will make pressure in your stomach and make you feel gut. The soups which have high protein value will help to feel glut.

 CHEESE involves proteins. It kills your appetite. And also because of high calcium content it helps to loose weight. If you take deficient calcium this will harden your loosing weight.

Tzaziki sauce recipe



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Tzaziki sauce recipe


Cool and creamy this cucumber dip flavored with garlic is the perfect compliment to grilled meat and vegetables.

It’s served on the side with warm pita bread for dipping, and is also used as a condiment for souvlaki.


Yield: About 2 cups

Strained Greek yogurt 450 ml
Cucumber, peeled 1
Garlic cloves, minced 3
Fresh dill or mint, finely chopped 1 ½ Tbsp.
Extra virgin Greek olive oil 3 Tbsp.
Red wine vinegar 1 ½ Tbsp.
Salt to taste



  •  Deseed then coarsely grate the cucumber.
  • Squeezeout excess moisture. Mix with yogurt.
  • Add garlic, dill, extra-virgin Greekolive oil, vinegar, and salt.
  • Combine well.
  • Refrigerate until ready to use.


Extra tip: Garnish with some olives and slices of cucumber  before serving!

A simple breakfast recipe

breakfast recipe

A simple  breakfast

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  • 2 slices bread
  • 2 tsp butter

Bacon and Eggs

  • 2 rashers bacon
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp oil



  1. Put bread in toaster and toast until golden brown
  2. Spread with butter

Bacon and Eggs

  • Put oil in frying pan on medium heat
  • Cook bacon until desired crispiness, set aside on absorbent paper
  • Crack eggs into pan and cook until desired doneness
  • Plate up and eat



                                                          KIP AND FOODS


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Some foods bring down pulse and blood pressure which slow down metabolism and this helps get off the sleep but some foods increase the metabolism and brain activity which makes getting off the sleep difficult.

Kip has positive relation with foods and kip has very important place in metobolism and health. The kinds and amount of the foods are important for the quality of kip. There must be accurate time between your final meal and sleeping time for healthy kip. Your stomach should not be full of foods and also it is not recomended to be hungry before sleeping. If you have chronic kip problem consult your doctor and do not use medicine without doctor advice.

Here are some foods which will help you for good kip but these foods should not be used as medicine,


       MILK: Lukeworm milk with honey is very useful for kip. Calcium in milk has calming effect on body. It relaxes muscles and nerves. Also milk contains milk protein which has calming effect. If you add cinnamon on milk with honey and eat few almonds with it, this will help you to get off sleep.People older than 50 years old are recomended to drink milk without lactose in order to prevent the digestion problems.

      BANANA: Some people call banana as ‘yellow husky kip medicine’. Banana’s effect on kip is related with the effect of neurotransmeters in brain. Magnesium, potasium and triptophan in banana relaxes you and increase your kip’s quality.

      HERBAL TEA: The correct mixture of herbal tea has effect of either hypnotic or calming and stabilizing the emotions. Daisy, melissa, linden tree, lavender will make you to sleep well. Instead of sleeping if you need vitality you can prefer black tea or green tea which contains cafein.

     OAT PASTE:Prepare your oat paste with milk and add cinnamon in it. This is kip food and has characteristics of reducing cholesterol.

     YOGURT: The mixture of yogurt, honey and linseed is helpful for good kip. And also if you add garlic to yogurt, you will reduce the period of your get off sleep.

      BREAD WITH CEREAL AND TURKEY MEAT: After a busy day make a sandwich with bread with cereal and berated or grilled turkey meat will excrete serotonin and will give the message of sack time.

     POTATOES, MACARONI:Baked potatoes helps you to sleep easily. To increase its effect mix the potatoes with milk and prepare  pap. And also little amount of macaroni with yogurt will help you to get off sleep.

     FOODS WITH CAFEIN: Coke, chocolate, energy drink,tea nad coffe increase blood pressure and increase the activites of body. Thus, body will be alert and in good fettle. Do not consume these kinds of foods and drink in the late time of the day if you have kip problem.

    FOODS AND DRINK CONTAINING SUGAR AND FAT: Body use effort to digest the foods and drink containing sugar and fat. If you eat sweet foods this will increase the blood sugar which is energizer for metobolism and brain. This will delay your sack time. If you want to eat dessert, eat it in daytime to use its energy.

     ALCOHOL: High amount of alcohol makes you sleep but this sleep is not qualified. You wake up in the morning without resting. High amount of alcohol first gives vitality but then gives exhaustion to you.

RESOURCE: hinsel@intermed.gen.tr