Tag Archives: egg


                                                 THE HEALTH SOURCE: EGG


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Egg’s protein and nutrition value is very high. It is food of animal origin but its involvement of fat is very low. Thus egg is friend of diet menus.

Egg has protein structure which can be absorbed by body. The biological value of egg is 94. It is perfect nutrition because of its vitamins, being cheap, easy access, low calorie and characteristics of being filling. Egg’s white and yelow parts differs with its nutritions. It involves balanced nutrition components from protein and lipids. 45% of protein is in its yolk and 55% is in egg white.   IT involves triptophan seratonın which is beneficial for mental activities.


Altough egg is animal origin food its fat involvement is low. An egg involves 4-5gr. fat. 1,5 gr. of it is saturated oil. The lipids in egg are in yolk. Egg white does not contain cholesterol and fat.

Egg involves B2,B6B12,A,D,E,K, iron, zinc, phosphor, potassium, magnesium, copper and calcium. Egg does not only involves Vitamin C. For this reason if you consume egg with tomatoes, parsley, orange, green vegatbles you either tkae Vitamin C and you provide the absorbtion of iron.It good source of Vitamin D.

It also involves minerals like iron and zinc which are very important for your health. Iron is needed for forming of blood. Iron has role of growing, developing and protecting from the diseases. If you have lack of iron it causes anemia.


Also according to researches that are done in recent years, the cholesterol rate in egg is not much so you can consume it three times a day. Colin is needed for brain functions. And egg is good option because of its colin involvement. The colin in egg is called betain in the body. Yolk contains lesitinine which is very useful  for liver. If you do not take enough lesitinine this causes the accumulating of fat and cholesterol in liver. Yolk involves contaksine, zeaksantine and lutein caratonids which forms the yolk’s colour qualiy. Carıtens has effect of antioxidant and suppport the imune system and also has effect of anti aging.

Thus egg is good source of vitamin and for your health consume egg. There are different ways to cook it so contribute it to your daily menu in order to use its benefits.




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Per serving: 6 people


500 gr. mince

6 eggs

1 green pepper

1 tomatoes

1 lemon

1 onion

1/2 tea glass of  olive oil

1 clove of garlic

1/2 tea spoon of ginger




Mix onion, mince and green pepper. Add  salt, pepper, garlic and ginger and mold the mixture. Divide the mixture into 6 pieces. Give shape with your hands and place boiled egg in the meat ball. Give the shape of ball with your hands. Fry the meat balls in hot oil. Cut the meatballs from middle before serving. Serve them with lemon and tomatoes. Bon Appetit!