Human has different characteristics from other living organisms in the world. Everything in the earth serves to humans. Everything in nature has a cause. The universe is a pharmacy and we benefit from this pharmacy. In this article, I will inform you about the benefits of ruby zoisite, amazonite, and amethyst.


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Hardness degree: 6,5-7

The Benefits of Ruby Zoisite:

Ruby zoisite strengthens the immune system.
It renews the cells.
It changes negative energy to positive energy around you.
It strengthens the memory.
It has positive effects on DNA.
It helps people to find hidden talents.
It encourages mental talents.
It relaxes the psychology.


Hardness degree: 6-6,5

Chakras: The third eyes, thymus, crown chakra

It is called amazonite because its shape likes the Amazone River. It is a classical treatment stone. You can drink the water from it.

The Benefits of the Amazonite:

It calms excessive excitement, anger, and other emotions. It eliminates negative energy and stress.
It helps to find creative ideas.
It increases the mental power and ability to understand.
It gives the ability to work together with other people in harmony.
It eliminates heart spasm.
It balances the calcium in the body. It eliminates the lack of calcium in the body. It prevents tooth decay.
It protects from eye diseases. It is effective in the treatment of them.
It is effective for inflammatory diseases.
It is effective in pain for childbirth.
It increases communication skills for love.
It is useful for all the chakras. It removes energy blocks.
It regulates the metabolic activities.t is good for general health.
It balances the lead in the body.
It helps people to accept the changes in your life.
It is good for muscle pains. It solves throat and back spasm problems.
It helps to cure diseases like rhythm disorder in heart, digestion disorder, headache, and migraine.

It hastens metabolism. It balances the nerve system. It is also good for the brain.
It cures the aches in your body. Put the amazonite on aching part of your body and wait for a time.
It maintains the mental balance and brings harmony to our life. It strengthens personal expression.
It helps you while coping with problems
ATTENTION! If you want to see the effects of it you should hold it on you for a long time.


Put it under flowing water once a week. Then, put it under sunshine to install it.


Hardness degree: 7

Chakras: Forehead, crown

The benefits of Amethyst:

Amethyst involves lithium mineral which increases the level of TSH. Thus, thyroid patients should not use this stone.
If you put amazonite under your pillow, you sleep well.
In the situations of migraine and stress, it relaxes cramps.
It is very effective in skin diseases. It firms the skin. If you put raw amazonite in the water and wash your face with it, it curs acne, pringle, and black spot. If you gargle with this water, it cures mouth sores and gingivitis.
It is good for lung diseases, allergy, and varicosis.
It balances high blood pressure and low blood pressure.
It strengthens the immune system and endocrine system.
It eliminates the formation of cancer.
It balances blood sugar.
It cleans the blood and gives energy.
Healing power is high. It turns negative energy into positive energy.
It increases concentration.
It plays a balancing role in tics and neurotic situations.
It is good for depression.
When it is used with pink quartz, it strengthens the mind and protects the heart.

Dark purple and light-colored amethysts especially luminous amethysts have the strongest energy.
It reduces the effects of menopause.
It prevents abortion.
It functions pituitary.
It is believed that it protects from sorcery.
It has characteristics of getting rid of smoking, alcohol, and drug addiction by using it with the other healing stones.
It is used for varicosis, lung diseases, epilepsy, and venereal diseases.
It forms harmony and balance on a person who has focused on the energy of it.

The care of Amethyst:

They are known as a luck stone. It has males and females. For using of treatment, you should use the opposite sex. You should not leave it under the sunshine. Put it under flowing water once a month. You can wash it with salty water or seawater. Sometimes put it underground. You do not install it because it is a very strong stone.

Resource: Belgin Dal, Healing Stones, Aurum, 2015.

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Methods Of Coping With Traumatic Situations

Trauma factors are defined as any situation that is a threat to life. These include life-threatening accidents, being involved in military combat, being abducted or witnessing an abduction, experiencing a natural disaster, being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease or being physically or emotionally abused. Although the symptoms that occur after a traumatic situation are not permanent, they can result in diseases that require treatment.

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In particular, reliving similar traumatic situations more than once, trying to escape from situations that remind the individual of the trauma, continually visualising the trauma through dreams and flashbacks can all occur. These occur due to acute stress or post-traumatic stress disorder. Acute stress and post-traumatic stress disorders are treated by psychiatric specialists.

What must be done to prevent these disorders?

It is firstly necessary to understand the symptoms that a traumatic situation will cause. The first symptoms after experiencing trauma are surprise and the inability to accept the situation. Subsequently, feelings of fear, despair, anger, guilt, unhappiness, and remorse set in alongside a feeling of hope and relief due to the danger being over. Sleep deficiency, tiredness, nightmares, loss of memory and concentration, headaches, loss of appetite and motivation, back pain and heart palpitations may also accompany these symptoms.

The same trauma does not cause the same symptoms in everyone. Furthermore, even if the trauma is destructive, it does not cause situations that require clinical treatment in the majority of people. Certain individuals will struggle more, especially those who have experienced significant trauma in their childhood years, those who have certain personality disorders, who do not have good familial and friendship support, who have had considerable stress in their recent past, who consume too much alcohol, or are more susceptible to clinical diseases.

What must be done in the case of trauma?

Firstly, give it some time. It may take weeks or even months to understand, accept and learn to live with what has happened. Try to evaluate what is going on. Instead of thinking about what could have happened, try to evaluate what has happened and how you can prevent it next time. Contact others that have experienced similar trauma. It will be useful to get together with others that have been through similar situations and exchange life stories. This is why it is useful to create support groups and charities. Cry. Do not avoid expressing emotions. If needed, then cry Call for help and support. It may be useful to talk about and discuss the situation. It is important to get support from family and friends.

Spare time for yourself. You may sometimes want to be alone or spend some time with certain people. It may be useful to limit your other duties and spare time for yourself. Talk about the topic. You may want to talk about the topic from time to time. This will comfort you. Sometimes, talking about the topic can increase the emotions of sadness and result in crying. Do not shy away from this.

Return to your normal life. Return to your normal life as quickly as possible. Eat regular meals even if you do not have an appetite. Return to your previous exercise and sport activities even if you may struggle to do so. Try to return to your normal activities with friends. Apart from the time that you spend talking to support groups, try to return to your normal activities and enjoy time with your friends, spare time for life. Manage your time well. The confusion of the trauma may have turned your whole life upside down. It will be useful to plan and manage your time well. Try to use all possible support factors. Try to use all available support groups including friends, relatives, family, social aid and try not to remain alone.

Do physical exercises. Exercises such as running, bike riding, walking going to the gym etc. may be helpful. Relaxing exercises. Do relaxing exercises such as stretching, breathing, yoga and go for a massage. Art activities. Join musical and artistic activities. Do not let the mixed emotions worry you. Trying to lock up the emotions will cause them to build up and make it more difficult to overcome in the future. Avoid using substances such as alcohol or drugs to deal with your problems and worries. Due to the fact that we often make inappropriate decisions because of our emotional state at this time, do not make life-changing decisions. Postpone them.

Regardless of all this, if you have stress due to the trauma you must seek the help of a professional. This is especially the case if you relive similar traumatic situations more than once, try to escape from situations that remind you of the trauma, and continually visualise the trauma through dreams and flashbacks, where psychiatric help is recommended.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İpek Sönmez
Head of Department of Psychiatry

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The symptoms and treatment of hand

Hand Eczema

Our hands are at the forefront of our social interaction and their appearance is important. However, when the weather starts to cool down, our hands start to dry up, causing chapping and even bleeding. Hand eczema, which is an allergic reaction seen
in both adults and children, is a disease that can both be treated and prevented with simple precautions.

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What is eczema and hand eczema?
Eczema is an itchy skin disease that causes redness, scaling, and blisters. Hand eczema is where the eczema forms in the palms, fingers and/or the back of the hand. It
causes dryness, redness, peeling, sweating, irritation and sometimes pain

What causes hand eczema?
When hands are subjected to water, cold, dry air, cleaning materials containing irritants, chemical substances, plastic gloves and soil, they can become irritated.

The skin reacts to this irritation in the form of redness, blisters, itching and pain. Chronic hand eczema due to repetitive and long-term eczema can cause calluses, chapping and bleeding.

What are the symptoms of hand eczema?
In the first stages (acute), eczema causes redness, blistering, sweating and scabbing that results in flaking. During the subacute phase (after the acute phase), slight redness, flaking and scabbing occurs. During the advanced (chronic) phase, the skin on the hands thickens, flaking worsens and slits occur on the hands.

In which cases and for who is eczema more common?
This disease is more commonly seen in women. Additionally, children and adults who are genetically susceptible to allergies may have this disease. Occupations that require constant contact with irritant substances and allergens can increase the risk of this disease.

This includes cleaners, health personnel, hairdressers, laundry workers, metal workers, those who work in the food industry, car mechanics, builders, typographers, painters etc. Hand eczema is also common in housewives that are often in contact with water, soap and detergents. Hand eczema is common in those who have painting, drawing, crafts, or gardening as their hobby. In recent years, there have been scientific publications that have shown that “slime” has become a popular choice of toy for children, which also causes hand eczema.

How is hand eczema diagnosed?
Hand eczema can be diagnosed upon examination. In some cases, in order to distinguish it from other diseases, a fungi inspection and hand skin biopsy may be needed. A patch test can be conducted to determine the cause of hand eczemas that are thought to be allergic.

How is hand eczema treated?
he firstly determined and the patient must avoid contact To treat this disease, the causes of the hand eczema must with these factors as much as possible. The substances that the patient is in contact with on a daily basis must he determined. If the cause is thought to be allergic in nature then the allergens must be determined with a patch test.

The hands must not come into contact with soap and water for long periods of time-they must not be washed frequently. The pH value of the soaps that the patient uses must be suitable for the skin’s pH and they must also not contain perfume or colorants. The patient’s hands must not touch water that is either too cold or too hot – they must
use warm water. Before washing their hands, the patient must remove their rings. The irritants that collect under the rings can cause the eczema to flare up.

Hands must be moisturised often with a moisturiser that does not contain allergens or irritants in order to protect the skin. Barrier creams reduce the loss of moisture and
the possibility of getting hand eczema by helping to protect the skin. It is suitable to moisturise the hands after they have been washed and fully dried.

In cases where the patient has to be in contact with water, detergents and other irritants, cotton “eczema gloves” must be worn under a plastic glove. The gloves must not be worn for long periods of time due to the fact that they will cause perspiration. Powdered gloves must be avoided. Direct contact with acidic foods such as tomatoes, oranges and lemons must be avoided. The patient’s hands must not touch water that is either too cold or too hot, they must use warm water.

The medical treatment consists of topical cortisone creams/pomades that are recommended by a doctor and accompanying moisturisers. Topical antibiotic
creams/pomades can be advised for some cases. Thinning creams can be added to the treatment for cases where the skin has thickened. Medicine containing cortisone can be
used in cases where the eczema is severe, where cortisone vials can be inserted intramuscularly or injected through the veins. In cases where these treatments do not work, pimecrolimus, cyclosporin, methotrexate, phototherapy and alitretinoin treatments can be applied. The period of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, how far it has spread and how long the patient has had this disease. When subjected to substances that are triggers, the hand eczema can reoccur. In such cases the patient must be examined by a doctor once more and their treatment must be readjusted.

Dr. Serap Maden, MD. Dermatology

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In order to understand the effects of healing stones, it is important to know minerals. The minerals in fruits and vegetables have may effects in our bodies. The same effects are shown from the minerals of healing stones.

In this article, I will give some information for some healing stones.

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Hardness degree: 7

Chakras: Root, heart, lower stomach

Onyx is one of the favour stone among healing stones with its different colours and rings. Its name comes from the Achates River from Sicilia. Onyx and agate are two different types of the same stone.


  • It cleans out the negative energy or much energy from the body.
  • It has an anti-stress effect
  • It provides clotting, and it is styptic
  • It is very important for the urine system
  • It is used for painkiller
  • It is good for skin diseases
  • It strengthens the willpower
  • It strengthens the veins
  • It develops the ability of good talking and writing
  • It is used for the treatment of epilepsy and sleepwalking
  • It is recommended for pregnant women. It gives health to baby and pregnant woman
  • It helps you to live in harmony with people around you
  • It protects the health of tooth and bones
  • It refreshes your energy
  • Red onyx is good for heart and blood circulatory system
  • Blue onyx is used for throat problems. It affects throat chakra
  • It is recommended for eye health
  • It gives positive energy when you feel bad
  • It helps to gather attention
  • Onyx symbolizes success. It protects you against negative energy and increases courage. It is recommended to use onyx as a ring. When you use it as a ring it increases self-confidence.
  • Orange onyx increases physical vitality and eliminates laziness. It strengthens your vocation on the topic you want to focus on.
  • Blue lace agate strengthens dispassionateness and self-confidence.
  • Onyx settles, it increases self-confidence if you will give a speech to the community
  • Blu onyx is also used against blink
  • Moss agate gives you eternal love and increases mental progress
  • If you feel bad, it gives you to look positively to events
  • If you are affected by negative behaviors of people, onyx takes negative emotions from you and makes you feel better.
  • BE CAREFUL! If you have high blood pressure, do not use onyx. You can use it if you have low blood pressure.


Onyx is a hard stone. You can hold it under warm water once a month to discharge it and put it under sunshine to increase its energy.


The chakras in the body of onyx are heart, lower stomach, and root chakras. Touch the onyx on your heart for ten days. Then put it in the ground. If you have high blood pressure, do not use onyx.


Aquamarine means sea water. Its colour is light blue or sea blue. The most beautiful aquamarines are found in Russia.

Aquamarine is the birthstone of March. And also it is the most suitable gift for the 19th wedding anniversary.


  • It is effective on the pituitary gland and thyroid gland which maintain the hormone balance of our body
  • It keeps you away from smoking and alcohol. If you want to stop smoking carry it between your throat and chest. From the first day, you will not feel the taste of cigarettes. You should put the stone on the ground for the first day for a night. The next day you can use it. You should change the ground frequently in order to renew the minerals.
  • It is good for the digestive system. Put aquamarine in a ceramic glass and put water on it. Drink this water. This cures stomach disorders like reflux and gastritis.
  • It is a very effective curative for breathing systems.
  • It heals asthma, bronchitis patients, and it is good for joint and throat ache colds.
  • If you have bleary eyes put the aquamarine on your eyes for 30 minutes every day
  • It has a positive effect on vein blocks, bone structure, and forgetfulness so this is very suitable for elder people.
  • It increases self-confidence
  • It is believed that aquamarine gives courage against death
  • It gives the possibility to regulate your life
  • Sailors believe that it brings luck because of its color. Also, they called it ‘prophet stone’ because they believe that prophets see the future from this stone.
  • Be careful if you are thyroid, goiter, or nodule patient, you can not use it.


If it is possible, use it by touching your skin. You should hold it under cadent water for energy discharging every day. During the night put it in a bowl which is full of hematite stones to charge energy. If you use it every day, you will put it under sunshine once a week.

In this article, I gave you valuable information about onyx and aquamarine. I will continue to inform you about healing stones. Do not forget healing stones are alternative curing methods, you should continue to take the advice of your doctors. You will see the benefits of healing stones.

Resource: Belgin Dal: Şifalı Taşlar, Aurum Yayınları, 2015

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Organic homemade recipes for our beauty are very important because they are very effective and they are cheaper. You will find some recipes for your beauty in this article.


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1 ripe avocado

1 teaspoon of grape seed

1 teaspoon of honey

Mix avocado, grape seed, and honey. Apply it on your face and wait for 15-20 minutes. Scrub it off. Do not wash it and wait a night and wash it in the morning. Do this mask at night. Do this mask once a week.

Avocado nourishes the skin with basic vitamins in it. It makes the skin look shiny. It also nourishes dried and damaged hair. Avocado also prevents the symptoms of getting older. Grape seed protects the health of the skin by increasing the collagen. It cures the pimples. It also prevents the symptoms of getting older. It also cures hair loss and skin rash.


1 Onion

Crush out the onion. Drop it on a piece of wool. Apply it on acnes twice a day. Always crush out the onion fresh. Do this everyday. This is very effective especially for inflamed acnes.

Onion prevents inflammation. It also nourishes the hair and makes it grow. It also cures scurfy.


1 banana

1 soup spoon of honey

1 soup spoon of sage

1/2 turkish coffee cup of olive oil

1 teaspoon of sage oil

Pure the banana. Mix banana, honey, sage, olive oil, and sage oil. Apply it on your hair. Leave it for a night. Wash it in the morning. Do this mask 1-2 times a week.

Banana strengthens hair and prevents splitting. It reduces acne and black spot. Honey bowdlerize the skin and nourishes the skin. It keeps the oil balance on your skin. It prevents the formation of pimples and acne. It reduces the symptoms of getting older. Sage cures acne. It is also good for chaps. Olive oil protects the skin against sunlight. It also moisturizes the skin.


1 liter of warm water

1 pinch of sage

1 pinch of thyme

1 lemon

Put sage and thyme in the warm water. Put your foot in this water. Wait for 10-15 minutes. Take out your foot and towel them. Apply lemon on your foot.

Sage fight against the symptoms of getting older. It is good for pimples and acne. It gives a shiny look to your skin. Sage is also used for the treatment of acne. It grows hair. Lemon protects the skin and hair health. It eliminates spots on the skin.


1 antibiotic

1 dessert spoon of dry yeast

10 soup spoons of water

Mash the antibiotic. Add dry yeast and water. Make it creamy. Apply it on your pimples. Wait for 10 minutes. Wash it with warm water.

Dry yeast prevents hair loss and helps the formation of keratine. It nourishes the skin and removes toxins from the body.


1 soup spoon of top milk

1 dessert spoon of pumpkin seed oil

1 dessert spoon of honey

Mix top milk, pumpkin seed oil, and honey. Apply it on your face and decollete. Wait for an hour. Take a bath. Repeat this mask once a week. Another important key for the neck is done with olive oil. Warm the olive oil. Sop a towel in it and put it on your neck. This will eliminate the wrinkles on your neck.

Top milk is a miracle, especially for dry skin. It moisturizes the skin. It has an effect of peeling. Pumpkin seed oil renews the cells. It eliminates pimples. Honey moisturizes the skin. It maintains the oil balance of the skin. It prevents the formation of pimples. Olive oil nourishes the skin and hair. It gives a shiny look to your skin.

You will reach many different and effective recipes for your beauty in the following articles. Thanks for your attention.

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