Author Archives: Busra Demir

How to Make Cold Coffee at Home

How to Make Cold Coffee at Home?

Our war with the heat continues in full swing. We have collected cold coffee recipes that we hear from everyone who comes from outside and that we can’t leave your home or office these days when we make the “humidity too much humidity” statement.

Classic Cold Coffee

Classic cold coffee is a hard drink that can be consumed by those who love coffee very much. First, freeze your filter coffee by pouring it into ice molds. Put the ice in a cup of coffee and add the fresh filtered coffee. If you think it is too harsh, you can add half of the fresh filtered coffee and half of the water.

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3 cups milk, 4 teaspoons instant coffee (nescafe) and 2 teaspoons sugar in a small jar and close the lid to shake for 5 minutes. Then pour all the ice and milk into the glass and pour the coffee mixture into the foam consistency in the jar.

Caramel Frappuccino

First, drink a glass of caramel sauce into the glass. Then pour half a cup of milk, quarter of a cup of cold filtered coffee, 1 tablespoon sugar and an average of 8-9 pieces of ice from blender. Pour the mixture into a glass of caramel. You can decorate with whipped cream and caramel.

Coffee With Banana

1 cup milk, 1,5 tablespoons nescafe, 1 frozen banana and 2 Top vanilla ice cream, put in blender and put in the glass. You can decorate it any way you want.

Nutella Cold Coffee

8-10 pieces of ice, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons Nutella and 1 tablespoon coffee blender mix. You can put the Nutella in your cup. Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker. You can decorate it with cream.

Ice Mocha

Put 25 mg powdered cocoa, 60 mg espresso, 4-5 ice and 250 ml milk blendera and mix for about 20 seconds. If you want your coffee to be sweeter, you can put chocolate sauce in your cup. Also, don’t forget to serve with whipped cream.

What Causes Tooth Decay

What Causes Tooth Decay? What to do to Treat Gum Swelling?

Swelling of the gums may be the precursor of different diseases. For this reason, it is very important to focus on the factors that affect the health of the teeth.

It is important to follow the swelling of gums, which is a symptom of many diseases that are not aware of from malnutrition to chronic systematic diseases, especially for the health of children.

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Since the milk teeth start to drive, experts who say that cleanliness should be followed with importance, see what suggests.

How is Gingivitis Treated?

1-Teeth Cleaning

1.Mouth and teeth cleaning is important . The first answer to the question of how to pass gingivitis is that you can clean your teeth twice a day with a soft bristle toothbrush or a soft-bristled toothbrush.

2. If you do not brush your teeth, you may need to use a fluoride toothpaste to strengthen your teeth and prevent bacteria from causing gum inflammation and plaque.

3. Use anti-bacterial mouth care water . After brushing your teeth, your mouth care water will help prevent plaque, gingivitis and bad breath.

4. Floss at least once a day. Dental floss is important for removing food residue and plaque between the teeth, although it does not seem to be very important.

5. You can prevent tooth decay by removing plaque and tartar. Regular cleaning of your teeth at least once a year.

2 – Drug Treatment

To prevent gum disease, use slow-release antiseptic tablets and antiseptic mouthwashes.

3 – Surgery

In patients with gingivitis may not pass through these methods. In such a case, surgery is applied to correct unhealthy teeth and gum tissue.

How is Gingivitis Passed? What can be Done at Home?

Gingivitis is usually a disease that can be passed at home. You can provide a quick solution to your question of how gingivitis progresses with some methods you can apply at home.null


  • Tooth decay is the most common form of gum disease.
  • Rinse with salty water 2-3 times a day.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 glass of water and gargle.
  • Salty water is a useful method because it removes bacteria from your mouth and allows you to pass the infection.


  • Add a small amount of water to the powder turmeric and rub it on all your teeth with your finger, wait for 3-4 minutes and then massage your gums for 2-3 minutes.
  • After the application is finished, rinse your mouth with clean water and repeat this process 2-3 times a day.
  • Continue the treatment for 2 weeks to achieve useful results.

Turmeric prevents bacteria and infections that occur in the mouth by eliminating edema and inflammation in the body.

Aloe Vera

Gingival inflammation, gingival bleeding, and infection that comes to mind when we think of effective solution; with aloe vera aloe vera plant.

  • Cut the aloe vera plant and apply the gel you have obtained to your teeth and gums with the help of your finger.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm water after 2-3 minutes.
  • Although the estimated duration of one week, continue to apply until your inflammation has descended.

What are the Symptoms of Gingivitis?

  • Withdrawal from the gums
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Pus formation between teeth and gums
  • Loosening the teeth
  • Pain and pain during chewing
  • Dentures begin to not fit into the mouth
  • Mouth odor that does not pass.

High Fever In Baby – How to Tell if Your Child has a Fever?

The first fire for parents who have a new baby is usually scary. Most of the shoot, it is harmless and is due to mild infections.

Even the baby’s thick clothing can cause fever. However, no matter what happens in the newborn, a fever of more than 38 degrees should be reported to the doctor.

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Fever is an important part of the body’s defense against infection. Even in infancy and later childhood, fever can be observed for small reasons.

In some children, seizures occur, but also short-term contractions may occur. There is nothing to be afraid of unless these seizures are long-term.

How High Is The Fever?

Ear measurements 38, forehead 37.5, armpit 37.3 and anus measurements 38 degrees higher is considered a high fever.

The values are different according to the measurement performed and the evaluation should be made accordingly.

The most common causes of fever in infants;

  • Upper respiratory tract, gall bladder and urinary tract infections.
  • Rheumatic diseases.
  • Tooth extraction periods can be considered.

When Your Child is Fired, do It to Relieve Him / Her!

  • A thin athlete or a cover, etc. to leave it with.
  • In order to lower the room temperature glass, etc. open and ventilate the room where the baby is located.
  • Give your baby a warm, not cold water tooth soak up cloth or sponge or a moisturising and especially in joint areas (forehead, temples, armpits, groin, and back of the leg) compress. The shower should not be cold, this will cause it to shake on the contrary.
  • It is also a good method to wet a large towel with warm water and wrap the whole baby’s body.
  • Water, plant tea, mother’s milk, warm water, etc. you can give them.
  • Give your child a non-aspirin-free fever reducer containing the substance called paracetamol. You can reduce the range of fire reduction to 4-6 hours, up to 3 hours if the fire is up to 38.5 degrees.

Call Doctor If:

Dr. According to the desire Ozgeneci ongun, the fire that will activate you to call your doctor will vary according to your child’s age, current disease and other findings accompanying the fire. “In this respect, when you have difficulty commenting on the situation of your child, remember that the best method is to consult with your doctor, ” Ongün said, the doctor should be called in time, the situation is also listed:

  • Your baby’s temperature is 38°C and above from the rectum for 3 months or more,
  • 3 to 6 months in the baby 38.3°C and above in the fire,
  • 40°C fever is measured in infants older than 6 months,
  • Persistent crying and fever that can not be silenced in your child, continued unrest despite fever, persistent drowsiness, confusion and delirium, fever and redness in the body with signs of fever,
  • If fever persists for more than 72 hours.

Baby Gas: Causes, Treatment And More

One of the most common problems in infants is gas pains. Baby gas pains to both the baby and the parents to experience serious distress. As a result of the foods consumed in infants have a problem of indigestion immediately after gas pains occur.

This situation can become torture in the baby and parents who are forced to remove the gas.

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What Causes Gas Pains in Babies?

The most important factor in the occurrence of baby gas pains in infants is the mother’s diet form.

This can cause gas problems in your baby when the mother consumes foods that can cause gas in the baby.

The mother’s food consumed by the baby’s digestive difficulties are among the most important causes of gas problem.

The baby’s intestinal and digestive system is not fully developed is another important factor in the formation of gas problems. For this reason, the mother needs to consume the nutrients that the baby can easily digest.

What Causes Gas Pains in Babies?

  • Empty the air in the bottle to give your baby. You can do this with a pacifier.
  • The mother should stay away from the foods that make gas while breastfeed the baby.
  • Baby frequently and be sure to feed less.
  • Breastfeed your baby half an hour after a massage to the abdomen.
baby gas

Herbal methods for gas pains in infants


It is known that fennel is good for gas problems in infants. Boil 1½ teaspoons fennel seeds in 4 cups of water for 10 minutes to prevent gas from forming in infants.

Cool it and give your baby a small dose of 2 or 3 times during the day. Breast-feeding mothers can also drink this boiling.

Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the most effective and Natural Methods of gas pain in infants is apple cider vinegar. A drop or two drops of vinegar in your baby’s water, starting to drink water, will help prevent the formation of gas.

Anise and Cumin

Boil anise and cumin in the water. Then drink 2 teaspoons ten minutes before feeding your baby.

Black Seed

1 teaspoon of blackstrap herb in a glass of water by throwing a palm boil. Then drink to your baby with a teaspoon.

Hair Loss In Children: Causes, Treatment and More

Hair loss is usually a problem that occurs at an early age. However, in the modern world, stress and many diseases that arise and notify the age of the child, even in hair loss problems may occur.

In fact, experts regard hair loss as a possible condition and normally explains hair loss by up to 100 Telegrams a day. However, the loss of hair above this number is considered to be the signal of some diseases. For this reason, if the hair loss is more than the line, the situation should definitely be consulted to the expert.

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Hair loss in children is usually ‘scattering’ behind. This disorder is a common problem in all children and is more common in childhood and adolescence. Emergence considerations are at the bottom of the hair and hair round losses 5 years is emerging in the form of kirana.

Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss that occurs in patches of hair loss. Besides, it could hit eyebrows and eyelashes. When this problem is encountered, the treatment process should start without losing time. In this way, the problem of hair loss can be controlled.

Genetic Causes

Hair loss is one of the most common causes of hair loss in women. Genetic problems in their families as children themselves can be seen in the hair. If you are in the family of children with hair loss hair shedding, this should be reported to the doctor necessarily.


At the bottom of the hair ringworm of children can lead to hair loss as it can cause problems to occur. If small sores and shells appear at the bottom of the hair, this problem should definitely be solved using the drug treatment method.

Wrong Applications

In particular, the hair of girls ‘ braids, be made in the form of ponytails, tires hard to be attached to the hair can cause loss. In the same way, washing children’s hair continuously, while the hair is wet combing can cause hair to wear and fall. 

In addition, the fever caused by children also causes marked hair loss. However, after the disease is healed, hair loss stops.


This type of hair loss hair loss in children, also known as “usually” can cause. Children with this type of hair loss, pulling his hair and eyebrows breaks. It is impossible to prevent this until there is no treatment. This disorder is completely psychological and can only be alleviated by the help of the expert.